Ethical dilemma


Describe an ethical dilemma that you have had to deal with at some point in your life. Preferably choose one that relates to your work, but if you can only think of one outside of work, then describe that. Do not name any of the parties involved including your employer but provide enough detail that your classmates can understand the dilemma clearly. Be sure to use APA citations to connect your answers to the readings.

How did you resolve the ethical dilemma?
Can you recall the reasoning process that you went through in reaching a resolution?
Did anything you read in this week’s reading change your perspective on the dilemma?
In looking back, are you satisfied with the decision you made, or might you have come to a different decision if you had different ways of approaching the dilemma?

Sample Solution

eve the procedures and knowledge introduced will help us succeed as there is now a clear plan on what needs to be done and what will be achieved if these procedures are followed. The staff incentive has already boosted the spirits and thoughts around recycling, already I have heard staff taking about it.

I viewed several websites to better my knowledge on recycling and get ideas, some of the facts I found which took my interest are listed below most of which were found on LSPS skip hire website.

Recycling centres throughout the UK are facing a big problem of contaminated recycling waste. Contaminated recycling waste is where recyclable materials are being mixed with non-recyclable materials, some councils are seeing as much as 8% of their recycling come in as contaminated which then means they have to sort through it all to pick out the non-recyclables, which is not an easy task.

This is an area in which the team at The Capitol must focus on as more often than not there will be mixed bags therefore we are contributing to this issue.

  • Every person in the UK on average throws away their own body weight in rubbish every seven weeks
  • The UK produces more than 434 million tonnes of waste each year. This rate of rubbish generation would fill the Albert Hall in London in less than two hours.
  • The UK generated 200.0 million tonnes of total waste in 2012. Half of this (50 per cent) was generated by Construction. Commercial & Industrial activities generated almost a quarter (24 per cent), with households responsible for a further 14 per cent.
  • Each tonne of paper that’s recycled can power a 3 bedroom house for a whole year.
  • In the UK we bury 80% of our rubbish in landfill sites, Switzerland buries only 7%
  • Tesco have signed up to donate their food nearing its best before date to food charities and have trialed this in several of their stores.

Some quotes I found useful and used on posters and communication to staff.

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