Ethical dilemmas that business organizations face


Data analytics plays an important role in marketing management. There are many types of data to be gathered and studied. Structured data are quantitative data that can be stored in a fixed format such as a spreadsheet or list. These data can be easily processed by computers. Examples of structured data are the following:

E-mail address
Home address
Credit card number
Unstructured data are not easily put into categories. Examples of unstructured data are the following:

Internet search results
Body of an e-mail
Data from social media sites, such as Facebook or LinkedIn
Text messages
Semi-structured data are a combination of both structured and unstructured data. An example would be an e-mail. The to and from fields would be considered structured data that are easily categorized, and the body of the e-mail would be unstructured, which is not as easily categorized. All of these data combined, along with other types, contribute to big data.

Watch the following video for more information about big data and analytics in marketing: The Importance of Big Data and Analytics in Marketing

Using what you have learned, use the following questions to guide your response:

How are these data used by companies? For example, a company that makes video games for Xbox or PlayStation can track the common actions that their players take before making an in-game purchase.
Describe 2 ethical dilemmas that business organizations face when using big data. For example, sharing private customer information with your best friend without the customer’s consent would be a potential ethical dilemma because that is private information held by the business.

Sample Solution

Companies utilize the data collected from semi-structured and unstructured sources to make better informed decisions. For example, a company that makes video games for Xbox or PlayStation can track the common actions that their players take before making an in-game purchase. By doing this, they can identify areas of improvement within their game or features that are particularly popular among players which could help inform future decisions when creating new titles (Dadhute et al., 2020). Additionally, companies can use this data to create targeted marketing campaigns based on user behavior, preferences and buying habits. This allows marketers to craft message and promotions tailored specifically towards each segment of potential customers– helping reach more people while also increasing engagement with the brand (Kotler & Keller 2011).

In addition to marketing purposes, semi-structured and unstructured data can be used by companies as part of risk management initiatives as well. With rapid advancements being made in terms of technology, hackers have become increasingly knowledgeable about how to access confidential corporate information such as financial documents or customer records–so having extra layers of security is essential (Koukiadaki et al., 2018). Utilizing semi-structured data along with other techniques such advanced analytics helps detect any suspicious activity quickly so steps may be taken promptly if anything out of ordinary is detected.

Overall, semi-structured and unstructured data are incredibly helpful tools for businesses when it comes to understanding consumer behavior patterns and monitoring potential threats against their systems but should also remain secure since these types of information tend to contain sensitive material related not only for the company but for its customers as well. Companies must always stay up-to-date with technological advancements in order capitalize on these types of opportunities while preventing any security breaches from occurring at all times.

n-soldier resistance” (Frowe (2011), Page 151), which prompts the subject of warrior capability referenced later in the paper. This is supported by the besieging of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, finishing the Second World War, where millions were eagerly killed, just to get the point of war. Be that as it may, now and again regular folks are unintentionally killed through battles to accomplish their objective of harmony and security. This is upheld by Vittola, who infers proportionality again to legitimize activity: ‘care should be taken where evil doesn’t offset the potential advantages (Begby et al (2006b), Page 325).’ This is additionally upheld by Frowe who makes sense of it is legitimate to inadvertently kill, at whatever point the soldier has full information on his activities and tries to finish his point, however it would include some significant pitfalls. Be that as it may, this doesn’t conceal the reality the accidental actually killed honest individuals, showing corruption in their activities. Hence, it relies again upon proportionality as Thomson contends (Frowe (2011), Page 141). This prompts question of what meets all requirements to be a warrior, and whether it is legal to kill each other as soldiers. Soldiers are individuals who are involved straightforwardly or in a roundabout way with the conflict and it is legal to kill ‘to protect the blameless from hurt… rebuff criminals (Begby et al (2006b), Page 290).However, as referenced above non military personnel can’t be hurt, showing soldiers as the main genuine focuses on, one more state of jus in bello, as ‘we may not utilize the sword against the people who have not hurt us (Begby et al (2006b), Page 314).’ likewise, Frowe recommended warriors should be recognized as soldiers, to keep away from the presence of hit and run combat which can wind up in a higher passing count, for instance, the Vietnam War. In addition, he contended they should be essential for the military, carry weapons and apply to the guidelines of jus in bello. (Frowe (2011), Page 101-3). This proposes Frowe looks for a fair, simply battle between two members keeping away from non-warrior passings, however couldn’t this prompt higher demise rate for soldiers, as the two sides have generally equivalent opportunity to win since both utilize comparative strategies? By the by, ostensibly Frowe will contend that warrior can legally kill one another, showing this is simply, which is likewise upheld by Vittola, who states: ‘it is legitimate to draw the blade and use it against criminals (Begby et al (2006b), Page 309).’ moreover, Vittola communicates the degree of military strategies utilized, however never arrives at a resolution regardless of whether it’s legal to continue these activities, as he continually tracked down a center ground, where it very well may be legitimate to do things like this yet never consistently (Begby et al (2006b), Page 326-31). This is upheld by Frowe, who estimates the authentic strategies as per proportionality and military need. It relies upon the size of how much harm done to each other, to pass judgment on the activities after a conflict. For instance, one can’t just nuke the psychological militant gatherings all through the center east, since it isn’t just corresponding, it will harm the entire populace, a potentially negative result. All the more significantly, the warriors should have the right expectation in the thing they will accomplish, forfeiting the expenses for their activities. For instance: if troopers have any desire to execute all detainees of war, they should do it for the right expectation and for a worthwhile motivation, relative to the damage done to them. This is upheld by Vittola: ‘not generally legitimate to execute all warriors… we should consider… size of the injury incurred by the foe.’ This is additionally upheld by Frowe approach, which is much more upright than Vittola’s view however suggests similar plans: ‘can’t be rebuffed basically for battling.’ This implies one can’t just rebuff another in light of the fact that they have been a soldier. They should be t

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