What counts as ethical eating? Who decides?
from 2-5 cm and may be contained through the breast.The treatment for this stage would be surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.Stage II is also divided into 2 categories.Stage IIA- the cancer is invasive, but it is not classified as a tumor but it has spread to the lymph nodes or the tumor is less than the 2cm and has spread throughout the lymph nodes or, the tumor is between the 2-5 cm but has not spread through the lymph nodes.Stage IIB- the tumor is 2-5 cm and has spread through the lymph nose, or the tumor is bigger than the 2-5 cm range but not spread through the lymph nodes. Stage 3- “Cancer means the breast cancer has extended to beyond the immediate region of the tumor and may have invaded nearby lymph nodes and muscles, but has not spread to distant organs”
Stage 3 is divided into 3 groups: Stage 3A,3B,3C.Stage 3A- the tumor is less than 2 cm and has spread through 4-9 lymph nodes or Tumor is bigger then 5 cm, and cluster of cancer is found in the lymph node or the tumor is bigger than 5 cm and as spread through the lymph node to the underarm or breast bone. Stage 3B –“ The tumor may be any size, AND cancer has invaded the chest wall or breast skin. “Stage 3C- is known as no tumor but he cancer spreading throughout the lymph nodes, breast bone area, shoulders, collar bone. Stage 4-“ Stage 4 breast cancer means that the cancer has spread to other areas of the body, such as the brain, bones, lung and liver.” Stage 4-breast cancer is often times incurable. However, with treatments can help extend your life for many years.
Chemotherapy is one of the most used treatments to help with this disease.
“Chemotherapy medicines prevent cancer cells from growing and spreading by destroying the cells or stopping them from dividing.” Chemo prevents the growth of cancerous cells. Chemo is highly effective for invasive cancers that have spread from the original locations. Depending on the case of breast cancer, chemotherapy is given either before or after surgery. “Chemotherapy medicines are given in combination, which means you get two or three different medicines at the same time. These combinations are known as chemotherapy regimens.” “Radiation therapy is treatment with high-energy rays (such as x-rays) or particles that destroy cancer cells.” There are two types of radiation. External beam radiation: This type of radiation comes from a machine outside the body. Internal radiation (brachytherapy): For thi