Ethical Issues in Leadership Presentation


Introduction: The introduction: contains a few statements about ethical principles in general, identification of two ethical principles to be used in the presentation.

Introduction- includes general comments on ethics and leadership (such defining ethics in general, how ethics can impact leadership),
identification of the two ethical principles selected for use within this assignment, and the sections of the paper
Definition & Explanation of the ethical principles: After the introduction, the next section of the presentation provides a definition and explanation of two ethical principles. Each of the selected ethical principles are then applied to leadership within any healthcare setting. Scholarly support is provided for the definitions, explanations, and application areas. Explanation and Application of Ethical Principles to Leadership- this section contains a definition and explanation of each of the selected ethical principles. Scholarly references are required published in the past five years.


Application: Following the explanation, the next section presents information on how the selected ethical principles either prevent or solve two different leadership concerns within healthcare. Scholarly support is required.

Application of Ethical Principles to Leadership Issues this section identifies how the
selected ethical principles either prevent or solve two different leadership concerns withinhealthcare. For example, nonmaleficence relates to the leadership concern of high rate ofmedication errors. Scholarly support is required.Leadership Practice: This section of the presentation identifies how a nurse leader will incorporate each of the selected ethical principles into leadership activities within healthcare. This must be detailed and specific. A realistic understanding of how these principles are applied and used in practice must be presented.

Application of Ethical Principles to Own Leadership – this section is a description of how
the learner will incorporate each of the two selected ethical principles into their ownleadership activities. This needs to be specific and can consider future leadershipopportunities. Scholarly support is required.


Conclusion: A conclusion of this presentation identifies key points from the presentation as well as of insights gained (what was learned) about applying ethical principles with leadership through knowledge gained from putting together the presentation.

Conclusion – this section provides a review of key elements from your work. The conclusion also identifies the ideas and understandings you have gained regarding ethical principles and leadership from developing the presentation
Please note that Lesson information from this course may not be used as a scholarly reference; A minimum of four (4) scholarly sources must be used. 2-


Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to apply ethical principles to current leadership practices within healthcare by

a) explaining two ethical principles, ( SELECT BY YOURSELF)

b) applying selected ethical principles to leadership

Sample Solution

Ethics is based on well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. Ethical leadership is defined as demonstrating appropriate and thoughtful conduct inside and outside the office, respecting ethical beliefs and values, and being motivated by the dignity and rights of others. Ethical leaders provide the optimal setting for employees by inspiring, developing, and establishing a culture of trust and respect. This leads to significant benefits like lower turnover, higher productivity, and loyalty. Better morale.

This Global Management Project (GMP) is focused on two different international economic development methodologies, microfinance institutions (MFIs) and business incubators for economic development. This is in response to assumptions made by co-founders Mr. and Mrs. Jones (names have been substituted) and their long-standing interest in international development and poverty alleviation. The Jones’ believe that supporting formal above-board business creation and providing ongoing support through the means of a business incubator is more effective at addressing poverty than the approach taken by MFIs to support the informal market and consumption lending. They also believe that there is a market within the study abroad sector for using students and study abroad programs as a resource for international development. Based on these assumptions, the Jones’ wish to enter the study abroad industry and launch a new venture. This new venture, Global Riplz, is a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) incubator/accelerator whose mission statement is, “to establish Global Riplz as the premier solution for applied study abroad options for business students, bringing together great minds in an environment conducive to innovation while supporting local economic growth.”

As such, this GMP is being completed as a two-stage analysis for the successful strategic entry of this new venture and to answer the question, are economic incubators more or less effective than MFIs at addressing poverty through job creation? Stage one is literature review and discussion of MFIs and incubators for economic development. While, stage two of the analysis is to evaluate the external environment, the major competitors in the study abroad industry, current products offerings and to define the company’s internal environment through the development of a targeted marketing plan.


From the 1970’s onwards a large number of MFIs got underway in Latin America. This was due primarily to US government funding and “the perceived need to provide the poor in Latin America with the hope of a way out of poverty” (Bateman, 2013, p. 12). By the 1990’s the microfinance model was thoroughly embedded within Latin America’s economies. Financial systems and resources were being shifted away from higher risk and less profitable applications such as registered SME development and into microfinance and consumption lending (Bateman, 2013). This shift in economic development policy sparked rapid rise in the informal sector in the 1990’s (Loar and Marquez, 1998).

After extensive experience working and traveling in Latin America, Mr. and Mrs. Jones have developed a long-standing interest in international development and poverty alleviation. They have developed a desire to launch a new venture that might be able to help address economic development and job creation. The founders have based the concept for this new venture on two major assumptions including, their belief that supporting formal above-board business creation and providing ongoing support is more ef

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