As stated in the Discussion, if you are a psychologist or other professional intervener, there are principles, standards, and codes of conduct that are in place to guide your behavior. Having such guidelines, however, is no guarantee of ethical behavior and practice, especially when the stakes are high. And certainly not everyone who engages in conflict resolution is a psychologist or other professional, bound by the ethics of his or her profession. This assignment asks you to dig into various codes of ethics and ethical issues related to conflict resolution and apply them to conflict resolution situations, in this case, the one you are using for your Final Project and one that is more “public,” from the “real-world,” that interests you.
• Bring to mind your Final Project conflict.
• Select a public, real-world conflict, past or present, resolved or unresolved, that interests you. You may need to do a little research to get the information that you’ll need for this Assignment.
• Review the online articles “Codes of Conduct of Interveners,” the “Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators,” and the “APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.” Notice the similarities and differences between and among the different codes, paying particular attention to those that are emphasized in all.
• Think about your Final Project conflict and your real-world conflict in terms of the ethical principles, codes of conducts, and ethical practices.
• Review the articles “Ethics in Negotiation: Oil and Water or Good Lubrication?,” “Ethics in Negotiation: Does Getting to Yes Require Candor?,” “Ethicality in Negotiation: An Analysis of Attitudes, Intentions, and Outcomes,” and “Extending and Testing a Five Factor Model of Ethical and Unethical Bargaining Tactics: Introducing the SINS Scale” with your conflicts in mind.
The assignment: (2 page minimum)
• Briefly describe your Final Project conflict, its central issues, and the parties involved.
• Briefly describe the real-world conflict that you selected, its central issues, and the parties involved.
• For your Final Project conflict, select and describe two existing or potential ethical issues, behaviors, or practices that might arise in the resolution of the conflict. For each, cite at least two specific principles, standards, or codes that would apply. Then explain how you might handle each.
• For your real-world conflict, identify and describe two actual, “could have happened,” or potential ethical issues, behaviors, or practices that occurred or might occur in the resolution of the conflict. Again, for each, cite at least two specific principles, standards, or codes that would apply. Then explain how you might handle each or suggest how each should have been handled.
These are just a few of the ethical issues, behaviors, or practices that could occur in the resolution of a conflict. It is important to be aware of these issues in order to ensure that the conflict resolution process is ethical and fair.
In addition to the ethical issues listed above, there are also a number of behavioral and practical issues that could arise in the resolution of a conflict. These include:
It is important to ensure that all parties involved in the conflict are able to communicate effectively. This includes being able to understand each other’s perspectives and to express their own perspectives clearly.