Ethical standards in the Human Services field

Search the web for ethical standards in the Human Services field, then find at least 5 Scriptures describing how we should treat others and care for them. Compare and contrast the Human Service ethics standards with biblical standards. How are they alike?

Sample Solution

According to the EHRC (2010) many of the reasonable adjustments that schools are already making for disabled pupils undoubtedly include the use of some auxiliary aids, such as coloured layovers for dyslexic pupils, pen grips, adapted PE equipment, adapted keyboards and computer software.

Accountability for schools under the Equality Act

All schools under the Disability Equality Act 2005 and now subsumed into the Equality Act 2010 have to ensure that all public bodies, therefore, schools have to pay ‘due regard’ to the promotion of equality for young people with disabilities. The EA has two distinct elements that apply to all educational institutions within the UK, a general duty and a specific duty. The EHRC can take action against any schools that do not meet their duties. Hills (2012)

Schools must be aware of the requirement under the general duty to have due regard when carrying out their duties to;

  • Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people with disabilities and non-disabilities
  • Foster good relations between disabled and non-disabled people.

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