Ethnic identity, an aspect of our self-concept, may be viewed as how we classify ourselves in terms of the group(s) we belong to and who we see ourselves similar to in terms of cultural groups. This involves an internalization of the understanding of “Who Am I” in terms of ethnicity.
Identify and explore a pivotal incident in your own life that contributed to your own ethnic identity development.
Discuss general personal life details (to your level of comfort)
Age, gender, family constellations (current and family of origin), education, employment, ethnicity, health, parents and grandparents ethnicity, etc.
Integrate literature that addresses the ethnic group with which you identify.
Description and context of the critical incident related to your ethnic identity development (approximately 3 pages)
When did the incident occur?
What happened and who was involved?
What were the emotional factors involved?
Discuss your own ethnic identity development at this point in time.
In light of your critical incident and your own ethnic development, discuss ways that your own personal culture may impact your social work practice with clients similar to your own ethnicity and with Hispanic and Latino clients.
Integrate literature that addresses ethnic identity and that is relevant to your experiences.
Ethnicity and Hispanic or Latino citizens and immigrants (approximately 2 pages)
Based on your readings of Grande’s novel, identify and discuss aspects of ethnicity that are pertinent to the characters in the novel and that have similarities to your own ethnic identity.
Based on your readings of Grande’s novel, identify and discuss aspects of ethnicity that are pertinent to the characters in the novel that are dissimilar to your own ethnic identity.
Discuss ways in which you will use this information to enhance your cultural sensitivity when working with Hispanic and Latino clients.
Integration of theory and social work practice (approximately 2 pages)
Choose one of the social work theories we have discussed this term and explain how you will use that theory to enhance your cultural sensitivity when working with Hispanic and Latino clients.
Discuss literature that addresses these points.
Firstly, I will have an online meeting with my teammates. The first problem we will face is that 6 experts in the team are geographically dispersed which means I can not require them to be in a same place at the same time to have a meeting to discuss about our project. It is not good to only use writing or e-mail to discuss about our task because it lacks of feedback. So online meeting is an alternative way that can make them get to know each other face-to-face so that they can get feedback rapidly. Interpersonal communication has three ways: oral communication, writing communication and nonverbal communication. (Stephen P. Robbins, 2005) Oral communication is a good and fast way to communicate with each other and every member can get the feedback rapidly. I will let them introduce themselves and what they are good at in their fields. It is a good way to realize what they are good at and what they are not good at. In the future, they will learn from each other and use others’ advantages to complete the task efficiently.
Secondly, we will discuss and figure out what is our task and the process of completing the project in case we will not deviated our tasks. And then I will train them. According to a paper in 2008, “team training promotes teamwork and enhances team performance.” (Salas, Eduardo, Nancy J. Cooke, and Michael A. Rosen, 2008). An analysis in 2014 concluded that team training is “useful for improving cognitive outcomes, affective outcomes, teamwork processes, and performance outcomes.” (Eduardo Salas, Deborah DiazGranados, Cameron Klein, C. Shawn Burke, Kevin C. Stagl, Gerald F. Goodwin, and Stanley M. Halpin, 50(6), 2008) Since they are experts, I will not train them about knowledge but how to work together. Cohesion is the soul of a team. It is very necessary to train the members of team to make them realize that how important it is. The experts are all the figures of authority, they must be very proud. This will must bring the barriers and bad influence during the team work. Therefore my job is to break the barriers and get the