Euro Disneyland



List all of the cultural challenges posed by Disneys expansion into Europe. (Side of matrix.)
Next, list the variables that influenced these challenges. (Top of matrix.)
Decide on a score (1-5) for each of these challenges according to the relative importance of the factors. Multiply each of these scores by 2 to find the weighted scores for each option/factor combination.

Sample Solution

Cultural Challenges and Influencing Variables in Disney’s European Expansion

Cultural Challenges (Side Matrix) Importance Score (1-5) Weighted Score (Importance Score * 2) Influencing Variables (Top Matrix)
Language Barriers 4 8 * Importance of language
Differing Cultural Values and Norms 5 10 * Strength of cultural identity
Resistance to Americanization 3 6 * Level of economic development
Protection of Local Content Industries 4 8 * Government policies
Historical Stereotypes of American Culture 2 4 * Media landscape

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  • Cultural Challenges:
    • Language Barriers:The presence of multiple languages across Europe can create difficulties in communication, signage, and overall guest experience.
    • Differing Cultural Values and Norms:European cultures have distinct traditions, social norms, and expectations regarding leisure and entertainment that may differ from the American model Disney presents.
    • Resistance to Americanization:Some European countries may resist the perceived homogenizing influence of American culture, viewing Disney as a symbol of that.
    • Protection of Local Content Industries:European countries may have policies or public sentiment that aims to protect their own film, animation, and entertainment industries.
    • Historical Stereotypes of American Culture:Pre-existing perceptions of American culture, whether positive or negative, can influence how Europeans receive Disney.
  • Importance Score:
    • Each challenge is rated on a scale of 1 (least important) to 5 (most important). Factors like language and cultural values are crucial for communication and guest experience, thus receiving a higher score.
  • Weighted Score:
    • The importance score is multiplied by 2 to arrive at a weighted score. This emphasizes the significance of these challenges for Disney’s success in Europe.
  • Influencing Variables:
    • These factors contribute to the intensity of each cultural challenge.
      • Importance of language: High importance across Europe, creating a significant barrier.
      • Strength of cultural identity: Countries with strong cultural identities may be more resistant to outside influences.
      • Level of economic development: Developed economies might be more open to foreign investment, but may also have established entertainment industries.
      • Government policies: Policies promoting local content or restricting foreign investment can create hurdles.
      • Media landscape: Media portrayals of American culture can shape public perception and acceptance of Disney.

Note: This is a general framework. The specific importance of each challenge and variable can vary depending on the particular European country.


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