Evaluating Strategies of Change




Write a 2000-word research paper that explores a particular topic or issue that is of concern to women, lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people, and/or gender-nonconforming/transgender people and evaluates potential strategies for improving their working lives.

Begin by choosing a topic that you would like to explore in greater depth, such as sexual harassment; employment rights; LGB, transgender, and gender-nonconforming people in the workplace; pay equity and the wage gap; sensitivity training, women at the top, and solidarity; self-employment; child-care policy; women and unions; or greater recognition for women’s unpaid work. You should consult with your tutor about other suitable topics for this assignment.

Next, identify potential sources of information on your topic. You will need to obtain suitable books, articles, and other resource materials. Be sure to look for resources that will help you document concrete, up-to-date strategies that women, LGB people, and/or gender-nonconforming/transgender people may be working on. Useful resources might be obtained from local organizations that are working on the issue, such as various women’s, human rights and workers’ rights groups, or unions. They may be able to provide you with written materials, policy papers, or even someone you could speak with. Regional, national, and international organizations offer relevant resources on their websites, which may also include links to other online resources and organizations. Local, provincial, and federal government offices can also provide information on specific policies and programs and, in some cases, position papers on specific issues.

Use the following questions as guidelines in researching and writing your paper:

What is the general issue you are addressing, and why is it important? What is the current state of the problem? What strategies, if any, have been pursued to date in dealing with it?

Through your reading of the course material, what major insights, theories, and concepts emerge with respect to this issue?

Through your research on this topic or issue, what relevant resources and/or organizations did you identify? What type of work have these organizations done on this issue? How much interest and attention is it receiving? What strategy or strategies are individuals, organizations, or governments pursuing to improve the situation? Describe what is involved in each of these strategies.

Based on your reading and research, how would you evaluate the strategy or strategies that you have described? What are their respective strengths and weaknesses? In your view, do they promise to improve the working lives of women? If not, what other options should be pursued?

Once you have considered these questions, develop your thesis statement. What is the main argument that your paper will be making regarding your topic?


Sample Solution

I.D.F.), preferring a guerilla warfare based on sporadic missile launches. Hamas uses a large arsenal of standard but also modified rockets. Ballistic devices have an impressive range. Of the shortest range of action, we mention the 9M22U 122mm, 66.2kg rockets and the most commonly used -40km – are the 122mm WS-1E missiles weighing 74kg. Generally, most rockets have at least 4 kg of active explosive, and are capable of causing considerable damage. Generally speaking, these missiles are used in the following way : for targets up to 6 km, 81-122mm mortars are used; Up to 12km are used Qassam series missiles (90-115mm); Up to 40 km are used Grad / Katyusha 122mm missiles; Up to 80km are used modified rockets Fajr – 3 of 240mm . Most of these missiles are produced directly in Gaza by assembling components. In fact, a significant amount comes illegally and clandestinely from Iran or Russia.
If we want a brief outlook on Hamas ballistic capabilities, Cast Lead (or The Gaza War) provides data that highlights an extremely powerful capacity. During these confrontations that lasted from December 27, 2008 to January 18, 2009, Hamas launched more than 600 rockets, most of them Qassam (nearly 400) of 90-122mm in an area of over 70 square kilometers . To this, over 300 mortars and nearly 900 HTR (high-trajectory rounds) are added. The main targets of these launches were the Israeli cities Beersheva, Hebron, Jerusalem, Ramallah and Tel Aviv . As in the Lebanon war of 2006, Hamas also confirmed the lack of accuracy in addressing strategic objectives of the IDF. Thus, many of the missiles launched did not cause any damage to the enemy, and many of them have accidentally hit civilian targets. However, most rockets hit both civilian and military targets (especially in the southern area of Israel), causing a strong psychological and media impact .
Hamas’s defense strategy aims to use the urban agglomeration in maximum terms, where the movement manages to carry out its actions using the civilian population as a possible threat to I.D.F. threats. During the Gaza War, defense was conceived in three major urban centers – Rafah – Khan Yunis – Gaza City – around which security zones were built . The strip had three lines of defense – 1. the central zone of the city (defended by elite troops – commanders); 2. City entrance area – Defended by light brigades disposed in the eastern area in the form of semicircle; 3. the first line of defense (in the form of a security border) along the 64 km of the strip . In fact, the strategy designed by the leaders of the movement is very interesting to avoid a possible encirclement. Underneath each city, they dug long miles of tunnels through which they went outside the city, having the ability to surprise the enemy by attacking back attacks .
As for defensive weapons, Hamas uses the following defensive devices :
‘ Anti-tank devices ‘ RPG 7 Types; SAGGER AT ‘ 3; ATGM 4 ( Anti Tank Guided Missle)

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