Question 1
1. First construct a run chart of the data from the receiving area
Question 2:
2. Construct a p-chart to obtain an estimate for the proportion defective across the set of X sample points (given)
a. Total number defective = ?
b. Total Transactions evaluated = ?
c. Proportion defective = p = a/b
3. The next step is to obtain the standard deviation of proportion defective for a sample of size 800 per page 3 where Stalk is analyzing 800 per day for 45 days.
a. Standard deviation of proportion defective for sample size 800, std deviation = sqrt (p(1-p)/800) = ?
4. The next step is to obtain the upper and lower control limits as follows:
a. UCL= p 3 (std dev) = ?
b. LCL = p-3 (std dev) = ?
5. Now you can check whether the receiving process overall is in control.
Question 3:
Since the process is under control, we assume that the average proportion defective is likely to be p=0.0182.
1, What is the standard deviation for a set of 8000 transactions per day?
std deviation = sqrt (p(1-p)/8000) = ?
2. Now evaluate the proportion of days that exceed 2% defectives using normal distribution curve.
Using excel
1-NORM.DIST (0.02,0.0182,0.00149,1) =?
Evaluate if this is acceptable.
Question 4:
I would pareto out the areas for improvement in a pareto diagram.
Put control limits and a p chart in place for the top item on the pareto
total # defective = ?
Total transactions evaluated = 36,000
Proportion defective = p = total # defective / 36,000 = ?
Calculate std deviation for sample size of 800
Calculate UCL and LCL
What are your findings?
Review any out of control data points and determine if you would like to delete those and recalculate the control limits to be used in the future.
Redo the p, std deviation, and UCL, LCL.
Sample Solution
not understanding the man who told them about the outside life and there’s living things and things you can touch and feel, and the shadows they were seeing were people walking by with animals and crops and those were living people.
The confusion these philosophers described, was an example they were using when they said how they feel when trying to educate the public. They believe us citizens are very hostile and isn’t willing to learn new things based off our ignorance. Plato argued the masses such as us citizens are too stubborn and ignorant to govern ourselves. The Allegory of the Cave was connected to the “theory of forms” also used by Plato that also explained the shadows inside the cave represented the outside world that are flawed reflections of ideal forms such as words as beauty, and flat. The cave was used for questions such as the birth of knowledge, problem of representation and the nature of reality. These philosophers also wanted to grasp the concept that people rather stay in their comfort zone and settle with the knowledge we already know and stick with comfortable allusions and ask us if we are willing to step out and understand the real world no matter the cost of friends and family to gain new knowledge about this world we have no idea about.
My opinion about this analogy created by these philosophers are that the cave represented most of the people in the world today that is trapped and doesn’t know the half of what this world consists of. I believe I am one of these people that knows about life based on what happens in my shell and what I am taught by those around me. I believe I need to go out and experience what other forms of life can teach me and no matter if I get hurt or lose people along the way I know it would help me grow as an individual. The shadows also represented to me in my opinion what were supposed to think from childhood such as having to go to school to get a good job ad have a lot of money to be happy or getting in relationships to be considered loved and happy. I believe it’s the majority way of thinking because were so focused on what each o