Exercise and nutrition

Describe the importance of pre- and post-exercise nutrition choices. Provide examples of foods that are appropriate selections for each category.
Explain how foods and nutrients (including fluids and electrolytes) help improve a person's performance during physical activity and their recovery afterward.
Consider your responses to items 1 and 2 above, and suggest an appropriate nutritional plan for a physically active person. Be sure to explain what the person should consume in an average day to support their caloric and nutritional needs.
Cite at least 2 credible references and present the resources in APA format on the References page.

Sample Answer

Those engaging in physical exercise or sports need to observe healthy nutrition to replace the energy lost during such activities. A healthy diet for sport and exercise must contain sufficient starchy foods, enough vegetables and fruits, regulated amount of protein and some dairy products. Additionally, the primary concern



1.1 Background and Problem Statement

Putting resources into property is a major business that can turn out to be exceptionally productive. There are primary two kinds of property speculation, which are purchase to-sell and purchase to-let. Purchase to-sell venture includes property improvement exercises, for example, redesign and re-rent or selling of existing structures so as to make a benefit in present moment (Congress Ltd 2018). Then again, purchase to-

let venture incorporates obtaining a property to leasing with long haul objective of rental pay and capital development (Ibid). In the UK, land is altogether significant for highlight of the economy. UK property showcase is the second biggest in Europe after Germany and as per Ipf.co.uk (2017) inquire about; the business property advertise in the UK has a market size of £883 billion of every 2016. In addition, outside financial specialists assume a significant job in the UK's property advertise, particularly in London. In 2012, outside organizations and

people put almost £20 billion in UK land advertise (Ibid).

1.2 Business Opportunity Identification

There are numerous open doors putting resources into the UK property. Most importantly, UK populace increments by 0.8% every year, thusly, ascends in migration and populace UK faces lack of lodging supply (ONS 2017,e). Also, constrained accessible grounds and approaches intended to secure green spaces has expanded estimation of the property. Therefore, request of house increments quicker than supply, which leads house cost to go up in the UK. Another explanation is that the UK is a piece of European Union (EU) and has a solid and high development of economy contrasted with EU nations (Brianchon 2017). Consequently, solid monetary condition, positive property charges, developing property estimations and expanding rental market gives an open door putting resources into the UK property (Bartonwyatt.co.uk 2018).


Then again, there are a few issues builds vulnerabilities to put resources into the UK property advertise. Initially, expanding number of neighborhood and remote speculators in property, UK presently confronting lack of lodging supply, reasons incorporate quick populace development, contending land use, movement and expanded property proprietors (Kollewe 2017). Hence, UK government has just begun to handle this lodging emergency by toughening up purchase to-let home loans and rising stamp obligation land charge for more than one property proprietors (Ft.com 2017,a). Another issue is that, since UK has chosen to leave EU individuals, vulnerability of lodging market has expanded and costs of houses has diminished, for example, London by 15% (The Guardian 2018). In this way, impact of the UK property market will to a great extent rely upon distinct result of the exchanges with the EU. Generally speaking, issues that referenced, for example, charge concerns and vulnerability of Brexit dealings will be significant factor to distinguish whether property improvement business in the UK will be gainful.

1.3 Justification of Research

Defense of the examination incorporates business, scholastic and individual thought processes as pursues:

1.3.1 Business Justification

The consciousness of lodging in the UK joined with expanding estimation of property particularly in London area. In addition, Britain's choice to go out cost and at same time estimation of the pound sterling has debilitated. Hence, diminishing house cost and feeble pound sterling incentive against dollar will profit outside financial specialists. Furthermore, London

has a solid interest on lodging and market estimate is relied upon to come back to development, this gives opportunity putting resources into London houses. By and large, developing interest on lodging and in solid financial condition with good assessment framework offers consideration regarding numerous speculators. Hence, creating property in London market, for example, renovation, transformation and new form condo

by including worth could be a decent potential business opportunity.


1.3.2 Academic Justification

So as to build up a fruitful business, it is imperative to comprehend the present market, characterize target client and convey item or administration so as to address client issues (Johnson 2000). In this way, drawing a specific field-tested strategy for property improvement in the UK, clear comprehension of lodging market is required by examining house value determinants, efficient drivers and elements that impact to the market.

1.3.3 Personal Justification

This examination will offer chance to increase comprehension and increment information on UK lodging market in the point of view of property improvement business. What's more, the specialist is wanting to execute this proposed task, all things considered, practice. Subsequently, this could be the more prominent advantage to get to understanding of developing land business condition so as to practice and adapt to property improvement business later on.

1.4 Aim and Objective

The point of this exploration venture is to investigate UK property showcase and make a marketable strategy considering to property advancement in the UK.


– Opportunity of contributing on the UK lodging business sector will be distinguished and suitable field-tested strategy will be created.

– Information will be separated from accessible auxiliary information on lodging market, efficient and demographical measurements and essential

information will be removed through meetings and study.

– The information from the two sets will be broke down so as to make a field-tested strategy.

– Assessing effects of hazard factors into a marketable strategy as a mindfulness and characterizing the leave technique.

– Lastly, distinguishing principle time-the board procedures in property advancement.


1.5 Definition of What Make the Project Entrepreneurship or Innovation Related

This functional venture is more business enterprise related and simultaneously advancement related. So as to characterize what makes this undertaking business enterprise and advancement related, hypothesis of enterprise displayed and connected to the task. There are no particular meanings of Entrepreneurship, which implications emerge from assorted perspectives of numerous researchers. The hypotheses of business are grounded on monetary factor, humanism and brain research understandings and some take a gander at it from the administration point of view (Bula 2012). As indicated by Shane and Venkataramn (2000), an idea of business happens when openings are perceived and abused to achieve satisfying the wants by the development of new item or administrations in the general public. Additionally, solid qualities, for example, chance taking, professional liveliness, imaginativeness and asset utilizing help them to be perceived in business industry (Morris et al. 2002). The business thought is building up a property that incorporates renovation, new form, change, etc and numerous business visionaries have drilled this. In property improvement, discovering property in right area and contributing your cash with the desire for benefit is a hazard taking, which shows this undertaking is progressively related as pioneering. Taking a gander at on the executives point of view, this functional undertaking can be considered as development related, in light of the fact that utilizing assets is vital viewpoint in property venture. For example, utilizing a specialist, developer, and letting operator on proposed venture use your time and their insight. Also, in lodging market, proactive distinguishing proof and misuse of chances for purchasing property and finding gainful clients through inventive methodologies is key exercises of this venture.

1.6 Research Structure

This examination ventures is organized into five unmistakable sections that will address various pieces of the undertaking. Right off the bat, acquaintance gives a foundation with the issues of lodging in the UK and presents a short diagram of the lodging market while considering property venture business by characterizing the conceivable chance. At that point, points and targets of this examination recognizes and further characterizes the relationship with respect to what makes the task business enterprise or advancement related. The subsequent part exhibits a total writing audit identified with the task, examining key parts of the UK property advertise with the variables that influences cost of the house. The third section depicts the system of information assortment for the examination venture, which incorporates inquire about way of thinking, approach and technique for information assortment pursued by information investigation. The fourth part introduces the investigation of the discoveries from both essential and optional information. At that point, these discoveries are utilized as a statistical surveying and reason for the advancement of the strategy. The fifth part includes increasingly point by point data about the business and its structure, which makes field-tested strategy for this pragmatic venture.

At last, an end will condense the primary concerns of the task and by reflecting of learning focuses, restriction of the exploration will be introduced.


Part 2

Writing REVIEW

The lodging market otherwise called the property or land advertise, which various partners cooperate with business exercises of purchasing, selling, leasing the property and building primarily for venture purposes. The lodging market is one of the most basic markets in which individuals as regular buyers partake in, basically on the grounds that lodging is a prerequisite of each person which is the biggest utilization great that is bought. In this writing survey part, first scientist will think about and examine determinant of the house cost. Also, current lodging business sector of the UK from 2016 will be investigated and how market has changed. In conclusion, writing survey will show influence of the Brexit vote into lodging business sector and influence of socioeconomics into lodging costs and supply.

2.1 House Prices and Its Determinants

So as to comprehend the present house showcase costs in the UK, first need to discover which elements influences the lodging costs or what are the determinants of the house costs by and large. Taking a gander at to past research papers on the determinants of house costs, lodging is unmistakable resources contrast with different resources, b

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