Exploration and commitment to research one specific marginalized or non-dominant population.


The purpose of this assignment is to meet course outcomes by exploring one’s attitudes and knowledge
related to a specific population of students who are part of a marginalized or non-dominant group of people
within the American educational system. As part of this process, you will be required to fully explore and
expand your knowledge regarding the chosen population, the history of American educational practices as they
relate to the population, including state and federal education laws, instances of inequity within the educational
system in regards to the population and developing a resource list for parents, teachers and students to best
meet educational equity for the chosen population.
Part 1: Exploration and commitment to research one specific marginalized or non-dominant population.
To complete Part 1, answer (in paragraph format) the following prompts in a document and upload the
document naming it: Last Name, RP1:
1. Explore the marginalized or non-dominant groups as described in your textbook and from that exploration
choose three populations that you might like to further research. Conduct a basic web search about those
populations relating to education and then answer the following:
Name the three populations you decided to explore and explain why you chose those particular populations
When doing the basic web search, describe the top three items that came up for each population group
including whether the overall tone was positive or negative, there was a lot of information or minimal, your
thoughts about what you found and whether or not you felt the information presented a thorough representation
of the population groups’ educational experiences.
Choose each of the above population groups and further explore using the BC Online Databases
(https://www.bellevuecollege.edu/lmc/databaseslist/) Describe the top three articles that appeared when you
searched the population and educational equity for each population group (you may need to adjust your search
terms to find articles related to equity and inequity).




Sample Solution



This paper present how we can applied sight and sound components in a manner which it tends to be utilized for instructive reason. The customary methodology of learning framework that had been utilized for the last age had demonstrated to be useful. Nonetheless, with the assistance of mixed media, it can help improving our instructive framework and make figuring out how to be all the more intriguing and fun. The issue with the conventional methodology of learning is that it is need inventiveness and regularly difficult to get it. This will in general make learning somewhat troublesome and exhausting. Conventional adapting likewise need asset. This will make learning more enthusiastically as unaderstudies will in general be confound and incapable to comprehend the theme that they learn. With the assistance of sight and sound which give a ton of asset, learning could be fun and energizing experience. It will likewise push understudies to completely get a handle on a comprehension of the subject that they learn. With the assistance of mixed media component, the instructive framework could developed into that is vastly improved that the conventional framework.

Catchphrases: mixed media, instruction , conventional

I. Presentation

Sight and sound is characterized as any blend of content, realistic, sound, video and liveliness. Sight and sound can be conveyed to client through electronic or computerized controlled methods. So as to make a decent interactive media venture, you should be innovative, specialized, hierarchical and business aptitudes. At the point when the client is permitted to control what and when these components are conveyed, it become an intelligent mixed media. Intelligent sight and sound can be called hypermedia. This happened when a client is furnished with a structure of connected components for the utilization of route.

With the progression of innovation in this world, we can see that the world that we live in is changing quickly and the field of instruction are one of the field that are developing to be vastly improved. The old day instruction where the learning condition are latent is a distant memory. We can see that the utilization of interactive media in instruction has grown a great deal in this ongoing year and is hoping to use ever encourage later on.

Educator principally needed assets so as to support understudies to see better about the point that they are learning. By empowering educator to approach in interactive media learning asset, which help to help useful idea improvement, enabling the instructor to be more concentration to showing the subject while attempting to assist the understudies with understanding the point independently. The advancement of sight and sound likewise help to ease learning by empowering understudies not to simply learn in simply school yet in addition at home. This will possibly assist understudies with improving their learning abilities. With the assistance of media components, which is content, realistic, video, sound and liveliness, it can make an intuitive learning condition that can support instructor and understudies educating and learning.


The customary training likewise know as ordinary instruction is a since a long time ago settled traditions found in school that society has generally considered proper. This sort f instruction is more to instructor fixated that concentrated on repetition learning and remembrance. In the customary learning, understudies are a uninvolved safeguards of data and authority. They are less dynamic in class and need critical thinking abilities. Besides, the customary methods for learning are significantly more straight with truthful collection and aptitude dominance while the new approach with the assistance of interactive media are non-direct, with one thought connected to another, enabling the student to pick the way that they need to learn.

The customary methodology of adapting additionally need asset. Information must be assimilated through talk and course book. By utilizing media, they will be substantially more asset that can be achieve particularly using the web. The conventional methodology of learning is likewise less inventive. The understudies are progressively uninvolved as they need material asset required so as to express their inventiveness. Such escape clause can make kids to be less energetic and unmotivated to learn. This is the reason mixed media use in training is essential in instruction.


Sight and sound is crucial in our life. This is on the grounds that it is pack with different components, for example, content, realistic, sound, video and activity. The entirety of this component can be found in our encompassing. It is additionally utilized in different fields, for example, in instruction, preparing, business, games and science and innovation. This is a proof that mixed media is significant. Truth be told, sight and sound is changing the methods for learning itself. Rather than simply restricting you with a direct introduction, for example, perusing content from a book, mixed media makes numerous improvement in learning by getting different components request to make it progressively powerful.

“Mixed media is a combination: a cross breed offering the upsides of the client driven book with the marvels of electronic innovation” – Robert Winter; UCLA Roundtable in Multimedia

Instruction courses, abilities and information are regularly educated in a unique situation. To conquer this, the utilization of sight and sound as training helps help to give a certifiable model utilizing a PC with great substance. The different kind of programming accessible available can likewise give a neighborly intuitive technique for learning. Sight and sound and instrument, for example, the web can give educator a moment overabundance to a huge number of asset accessible. These material can assist the educator with providing the understudies with agreeable learning, basic reasoning, exchange, and critical thinking. In this way, mixed media approach in instruction give many preferred position over the customary strategy.


Mixed media components can be use for some thing. With the assistance of a program, for example, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Flash you can make and consolidate different media components to make an incredible undertaking. In any case, you should know every single capacity of those interactive media components with the goal that you can applied it in your learning.

A. Content

Content are the most essential component in sight and sound and it is very simple to utilize. In any case, you should not think little of it since content can give the most effect on the nature of the mixed media communication contrasted with different components. This is on the grounds that content contain a great deal of textual style. A textual style is an assortment of characters of a solitary measure and style having a place with a specific typeface family as appeared in Figure 1.In general, content are utilized so as to give significant data. This is on the grounds that content are more straightforward and straightforward as opposed to the next mixed media components. In learning, content are the most normally utilized component. Be that as it may, by utilizing sight and sound content, the word can be substantially more fascinating rather that plain content in this manner expanding the learning adequacy.

Figure 1. Diverse kind of text style.

B. Realistic

Realistic are two-dimensional figure or representation. It is the most innovative methods for learning approach. It tends to be either a photo, drawing or picture. There are numerous sorts of picture configuration, for example, GIF, JPEG and PNG. Utilizing realistic in instruction will build the understudies understanding. It will likewise improve their memory ability since picture are anything but difficult to recollect. This is on the grounds that picture utilize a huge measure of cortical abilities, for example, shading, structure, line, measurement and creative mind. This will assist the understudies with getting an unmistakable picture of what they are realizing. Figure 2 shows the utilization of realistic in instruction.

Figure 2. The utilization of realistic for narrating in training.

C. Sound

Sound has been use in training for a long time. Since everything that we learn can be recorded, it is a compelling instrument for the understudies since they use it to cooperate with the course content gave by their educator at any occasions and any area that they need. Sound additionally facilitate the understudies by directing live online discourse by means of sound instruments and stage. There are a couple generally use programming that can be use for this, for example, Wechat, Whatapps, Line and Skype. This won’t just spare some time instead of meeting vis-à-vis it additionally regularly utilized for long separation learning. Sound can likewise be use by educator to display a ton of data on the double. This will assist educator with explaining the substance of the point in a much fascinating manners which will assist the understudies with understanding the theme. Learning by utilizing sound additionally can help cripple individuals, for example, daze individuals to learn as appeared in Figure 3. This is one of only a handful hardly any ways for them to learn on the grounds that they can’t see and peruse. This shows the utilization of sound in training can profit many individuals whenever utilized in the right way.

Figure 3. Shows An application for the Android tablet enables daze understudies to learn math through touch and sound.

D. Video

Video is broadly utilized interactive media component. It likewise has the best on your PC or gadget among the five components. There are a couple of standard video position for instructive utilize, for example, MPEG2 that is utilized for Digital Versatile Disk (DVD) playback or MPEG4 for home video. Some of the time, utilizing content or other interactive media components to pass on data are hard and complex This sort of sight and sound component are utilized in light of the fact that it can give visual incitement to understudies with the goal that they can have a superior comprehension in learning. This demonstrate to be useful in careful preparing where understudies can’t simply comprehend the maker for medical procedure just by perusing. In this way, a video of a medical procedure in real life is required so the understudies can get it. Educator can likewise request that their understudies make a video venture. This is on the grounds that it can help them connecting with the genuine component of what they are realizing and demonstrate it to their other schoolmate. It likewise can upgrade their viable expertise. This is on the grounds that, by doing a video they are open to the outside component as opposed to simply sitting in the homeroom. In this way, they can acquire understanding and improve their aptitudes. This shows video can improve our instructive framework. Figure 4 shows the utilization of video



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