Exploring Acts and the Growth of the Church


For this report assume you are an investigative reporter for the Greek newsparchment called, λόγος Ἀθῆναι [Logos Athēnai]. The editor has tasked you with writing a story on the journey of the Apostle Paul and the communities he visited on his three missionary journeys. Using the travel itinerary in Acts, write a news article documenting the characteristics of the cultures he visited and the issues he faced in teaching in their churches. Use traditional reporting practices that tell who, what, when, where, why, and how these events unfolded.
For your sources cite the biblical text, the course textbook, and other sources you might consult. Because this is a news story, direct quotations should be limited to the actual dialogue statements found in the biblical text. Cite the biblical Book and Chapter as you unfold your news story–you do not need to cite the specific Bible verse except for the direct quotations. Be sure to give your news story a descriptive headline (title). The New Testament passages to consult:
Acts Chapters 13-15
Acts Chapters 16-18
Acts Chapters 19-20

Some scholars believe that when the Apostle Paul appealed to appear before Caesar so that he would not fall into the hands of the Jews seeking to kill him that he had made a mistake—if only he had waited he would have been freed rather than be sent to Rome.
Reading the following passages in Acts which are in chronological order, did Paul make a mistake and why or why not?
• Acts 23:6-23
• Acts 25:1-21
• Acts 26:28-27:2
• Acts 27:13-25

Sample Solution


Fundamentally survey the case that the results of the contemporary sex entertainment industry are both a reason for savagery and segregation coordinated against ladies and furthermore ‘naturally hurtful’.

It isn’t the motivation behind this article to protect the contemporary sex entertainment industry which right up ’til today remains a ‘filthy’ and – to a vast degree a male-overwhelmed, exploitative business, but instead to comprehend the purposes for this miserable reality. Erotic entertainment showed up in women’s activist talk in the late 70s, when women’s activist gatherings, for example, ‘Ladies Against Violence in Pornography and the Media’ (WAVPM) set out upon their enemy of sex entertainment crusade in the San Francisco Bay territory. The supposed ‘sex wars’ of the 1980s realized an uncommon division inside the women’s activist development. Hostile to sex entertainment scholars, for example, Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon – creators of the celebrated ‘Minneapolis and Indianapolis mandates’ – pushed the restriction of obscene material, by virtue of its job as ‘a training that is fundamental to the subordination of ladies’. Different women’s activists set forth a liberal lawful contention, summoning the First Amendment to the American Constitution, which ensures the right to speak freely. After two decades, the erotic entertainment banter has held its importance in women’s activist talk. There is as yet warmed contradiction more than three interrelated issues: what is the meaning of erotic entertainment? Does sex entertainment cause viciousness and victimization ladies? What is the most ideal approach to manage sex entertainment in the strategy and enactment fields? While basically evaluating the counter sex entertainment theory, I will contend thus that most explicitly express realistic material isn’t the reason yet can reflect the misogyny and misuse that describes present day social orders; and that a long way from being ‘inherently unsafe’ erotic entertainment can in certainty be utilized in the administration of women’s activist thoughts.

An important beginning stage on the off chance that we are to comprehend sex entertainment would be a scientifically accommodating definition. In any case, this is itself one of the central matters of difference between women’s activists. The genius restriction side has copied conventional meanings of erotic entertainment and compared sexual expressness with viciousness and female subordination. Dworkin comprehends erotic entertainment as the stage where chauvinist philosophy flourishes by showing male matchless quality, perceptible in seven joined strains: the influence of oneself, physical influence, the influence of fear, the influence of naming, the influence of owning, the influence of cash and the intensity of sex’. Contemporary pornography portrays ladies as the powerless casualties of men: bound, tormented, embarrassed, battered, urinated upon or ‘simply taken and utilized’. Summoning the Greek historical underpinnings of the word, Dworkin (1990:24) characterizes sex entertainment as the ‘realistic portrayal of prostitutes’, (‘porne’ being the Greek for a shabby whore or sex slave). Subsequently sex entertainment is considered as something chauvinist, fierce and exploitative by definition; at the end of the day, as a characteristically hurtful wonder.

Indeed, even at this beginning period, master control investigation appears to lay on temperamental methodological grounds. First it includes an obviously round contention which sentences erotic entertainment without endeavoring to comprehend it, relatively like contending that ‘sex entertainment is awful, in light of the fact that it is terrible’. Second, the multifaceted investigation of Ancient Greece is questionable, if not totally a-verifiable, since ‘erotic entertainment’ isn’t an old however a Victorian neologism, developed in the nineteenth century, therefore reflecting Victorian sensitivities as opposed to old substances. Third, the meaning of pornography as a field of viciousness and sexism intelligently involves a refinement from other, explicitly unequivocal material that isn’t rough, disparaging and exploitative, yet depends on estimations of commonality and correspondence. Characterizing this rising classification, ordinarily alluded to as ‘Erotica’, is an exceedingly emotional undertaking and clearly unhelpful for a scholarly or a judge. Likening sexual expressness to viciousness, misogyny and other esteem decisions isn’t just counter beneficial to the scan for a clear meaning of erotic entertainment; it is additionally false, since usually the case that ‘delicate pornography’ or considerably through and through non-sexual material can contain significantly more irritating scenes of brutality and sexism than sex entertainment itself. Fourth, the greater part of the counter pornography writing has connected its meanings of sex entertainment in an ambiguous and conflicting way, bouncing from the ‘realistic portrayal of prostitutes’ to the more standard idea of pornography as inexpensively delivered ‘filth’ for moment utilization; and in some cases to an increasingly comprehensive definition containing wonders as assorted as form, TV advertisements, sex toys and sex instruction.

Methodological concerns aside, hostile to pornography meanings of erotic entertainment involve positions that seem to repudiate the plain quintessence of women’s liberation. Against pornography proclamations on ‘great, delicate Erotica’ versus ‘awful, oppressive pornography’ are basically professions about ‘great’ and ‘awful’ sexuality. At the danger of personification, this involves confinements on sexuality of Orwellian measurements, and is in opposition to the battles of the women’s activist, gay and lesbian developments for sexual freedom and decent variety. One enemy of pornography creator opines that ‘erotica is established in eros, or energetic love, and in this way in the possibility of constructive decision, through and through freedom, the longing for a specific individual, while in sex entertainment the subject isn’t love in any way, yet mastery and savagery against ladies’. Explanations like this one appear to infer an acknowledgment of old patriarchical generalizations of the frame ‘men are forceful and polygamous essentially, while ladies are aloof and monogamous’ and that ladies don’t, can’t or ought not appreciate sex in itself. Incomprehensibly, Dworkin’s (1990) succinct treatment of the historical backdrop of erotic entertainment overstates the aloofness and weakness of female exploited people and the brutality of male mastery to such a degree, that it accidentally fortifies the specific paired generalizations that woman’s rights has verifiably battled to evacuate. Her introduction of ladies in sex entertainment as ‘prostitutes’, is, best case scenario disparaging, if not stooping and offending towards female pornography laborers, who frequently pursue that method of subsistence. The decisions of pornography specialists merit as much regard as those of ladies working in less slandered enterprises and, maybe, considerably more noteworthy women’s activist solidarity.

Professional oversight argumentation will in general rotate around two explanatory gadgets. The first is the distortion of the sum and level of brutality contained in obscene material, through the gathering of evidently aggravating pictures. The slide indicates anticipated in WAVPM gatherings and the material articulately depicted in Dworkin’s book have been handpicked for their stun esteem and capacity to bother. Drawn fundamentally from the underground societies of Bizarre, Bestiality and SM, a large portion of these pictures are to a great extent unrepresentative of the standard market, which is both exceptionally differentiated and concentrated. Specialization is a key-point in view of the essential certainty that distinctive individuals have diverse ‘turn-ons’. Given that a few people may discover openly aggravating, what others see as secretly animating is a whole lot of nothing motivation to name pornography completely as characteristically hostile. The second logical gadget lies in the contention that erotic entertainment isn’t only a portrayal of fanciful viciousness yet additionally a recorded reality or as put by MacKinnon, a ‘narrative of maltreatment’. Again this contention misleadingly conflates reality with illustrative dream. To guarantee that each lady – or man-that seems, by all accounts, to be mishandled in a pornography film is really manhandled, is nearly as credulous as asserting that each man shot-dead in, state, ‘the Terminator’, is in reality dead. The counter pornography contention neglects to mull over components, for example, guile, acting and pretending. While authentic instance of maltreatment are not missing from the pornography business, most by far of portrayals of ‘viciousness’ happen in a pretending setting which cautiously guarantees the wellbeing of the performers.

My view is that understanding sex entertainment requires a distinct definition which, rather than ignoring decisions the ethical qualifications and political cognizance of its members, centers around the substances of the pornography business. In this light, present day erotic entertainment, as we probably am aware it, is the realistic portrayal of explicitly unequivocal material, mass-created and mass-overwhelmed by the reason for sexual excitement. In spite of the fact that it isn’t ‘inherently detestable’, this industry is ethically no superior to the general public that produces it.

The impact of explicitly express material on its watchers and society everywhere is the second fundamental segment of the erotic entertainment banter. Hostile to pornography examination has demanded a hypothesis of causality, whereby genuine assault, physical maltreatment and embarrassment of ladies by men happen as an immediate aftereffect of their presentation to the ‘derisive estimations’ of sex entertainment. In Dworkin’s very own words ‘at the core of the female condition is sex entertainment: the belief system is the wellspring of all the rest;’. By likening the portrayal of brutality with harmful activity, Dworkin summons what neo-Aristotelian scholars of portrayal have named as the ‘Mimesis-show’. Gotten from the Greek word ‘mimesis’, signifying ‘impersonation’ or ‘generation’, the model positions the genuine both when its portrayal.

At a hypothetical dimension the Mimesis-model can be adequately tested by another Aristotelian idea, that of Catharsis. This would involve that a long way from diminishing men to culprits of savagery, introduction to the taunt viciousness of erotic entertainment – with all its masterful traditions and limitations would soothe them of the fierce attitudes that lay ‘covered up’ in their mind, similarly that, state, a thriller may give us joy without affecting brutality and blood-thirst.



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