
You need to write about what is confliction and make sure to give examples as well.
Topics: As a group, you will select a theory from the list provided by your professor. Your goal is to explain this theory to the class and demonstrate its practical application to business communication with specific examples. Also, you will engage the audience in a learning activity (see the “audience involvement” section). As you research the theory and examples ask the following questions about the topic:
• How can you shape the topic so it will be of interest and value to your audience?
• How will you find credible research material on the topic?
• How can you use visual aids professionally and effectively communicate your topic?

Sample Solution

many brands and has even had a few of her own collections with some of them. Her Instagram has a mixture of high end and high street brands all over it, from Balenciaga to Pretty Little Thing therefore using someone like Emily Shak to promote their brand will influence her audience to shop there in a bid to achiever her lifestyle. Although someone like Emily Shak is a Slim and attractive woman Pretty Little Thing is also very keen on promoting body confidence and showing that not all girls have to be super model skinny to be beautiful, they also use influencers with non-normative body types and a diverse range of beauty.

Pretty Little Thing have recently introduced a new feature on their website where they now include images of most of the clothes being modelled on two different body types; size 8 and size 16, this highlights the fact that there should not be a divide or rules when it comes to who can wear what when it comes to body types and weight. Pretty Little Thing also collaborated with the famous plus size model Ashley Graham, which is very important because she is showing that even though she is a plus size women she is still very beautiful and an extremely successful woman in the fashion and beauty industry. According to Washington University, ‘78% of girls age 17 were unhappy with the way they looked’. Although platforms like Instagram can be the reason for this unhappiness due to the ideal body being plastered all over the media, it is also important for young girls to have these accounts to see plus size women such as Ashley Graham, who is a plus size model, accept and flaunt what they have and how look. Ashley Graham posts all pictures unedited and often in swimwear or underwear which shows off her curvaceous silhouette. Therefore, if more girls were seeing and being influenced by women like Ashley Graham then maybe what is perceived as a

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