Bruce is furious when his midterm is returned with a C grade. He tells his sociology professor that he had read each of the assigned chapters three times, and if someone can do that and just be average, then there’s something wrong with the test! He becomes more angry as he talks, yelling at the professor and making degrading statements. Bruce cannot understand why the professor gave him such a low grade- he’s certain he remembered everything perfectly.
1. Based on your understanding of critical thinking and memory, describe one (1) flaw in Bruce’s reasoning.
2. Describe two (2) possible explanations for Bruce’s average performance.
3. Describe (2) techniques/strategies Bruce should use when studying for the next test to get a better grade..
Part B
Objective: Discuss facial expressions related to emotions.
1. Describe subconscious processes, nonconscious processes, and mindlessness.
2. Provide one (1) personal example of a behavior for each process.
Grading Rubric
Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment.
Subconscious process is the mental processes occurring outside of conscious awareness but accessible to consciousness when necessary. Non-conscious process is the mental processes occurring outside of and not available to conscious awareness. An example of a learned non-conscious process is an increase in achievement motivation when you do an exam. As children, we learn that when we do an exam or test, we have to do our best. We concentrate hard, we think hard, and we use all our energy to do the test the best we can. Mindlessness is the mental inflexibility, inertia, and obliviousness to the present context.
The accompanying time frame, 1917-1927, can be viewed as the time of social insurgencies. The October Unrest catapulted the past due Emperor’s realm into a cutting edge Soviet Association in 1917 and worked with quick advancement in the public eye. The capture of force by laborers and ranchers implied an extreme change in power structure which ended up being immeasurably compelling on scholarly language. It ought to be seen that the unrests of 1917 didn’t speed up the pace of getting, however it heightened specific cycles around here. Before this time, expressions of unfamiliar beginning were prevalently restricted to gatherings of elites. The occasions of the 1920s, particularly the Nationwide conflict (1917-1922), drew enormous quantities of laborers, warriors, and workers into political and public activity, which is the reason borrowings were very few, were accessible to the majority by means of the press and oral promulgation. Most of these words had a place with the semantic classifications of political, military, and financial phrasing. The accompanying models exhibit this: eg. avtonomija←autonomy, agitacija←agitation, anarxizm←anarchism, bojkot←boycott, dezertir←deserter, demokratija←democracy, internacional←international, konferencija←conference, lozung←slogan, miting←mass-meeting, rally, proklamacija← decree, pamphlet, revoljucija←revolution, respublika←republic, talon←coupon, federacija←federation and others.5
It ought to be noticed that due to the low degree of training of those engaged with the transformation, the unfamiliar loanwords spread gradually, as most found it challenging to figure out them.
Purism went on right now, albeit the utilization of some ‘informed expressions of unfamiliar beginning’ was famous and chic among Trotskyite individuals; V. Lenin was the principal in Soviet Russia who battled against the retention of loanwords rather than the utilization of accessible Russian variations. He expressed: “We are ruining the Russian language. We utilize unfamiliar words without need. Furthermore, use them mistakenly. Why say defekty ‘surrenders’, when it might be said nedočėty or nedostatki or probely.”6 Examining some unacceptable utilization of unfamiliar words, Lenin deduced in his typical firm style: “Is it not chance to proclaim battle on the defilement of the Russian language?”7
We can likewise notice the propensity to supplant old words meaning parts of party, social, managerial and political life, eg. ministr (minister)→narodnyj komissar (Individuals’ Commissar), policija (police)→milicija (civilian army), advokat (barrister)→ pravozastupnik.8
It very well may be amazing, however a few words from social and diversion life were likewise acquired right now, eg. kino←cinema, radio←radio, fil’m←film, sviter←sweater, fokstrot←fox-trot.9
Other than European dialects the dialects of the Association Republics were the wellsprings of such loanwords as aryk (water system trench), basmač – basmach, čadra – yashmak, kišlak – village.10
The perplexing peculiarity that, during a period of such extraordinary changes in friendly and political designs, the requirement for new lexical means to name these cycles was not fulfilled through getting, can be made sense of with the reality of the country’s separation from the other, middle class world; also, the intra-