Facility Flow Diagram

When designing facilities, there are many stakeholders that will be affected by the design of the facility. It is important to understand that each of the stakeholders will have a unique perspective of the facility based on their role.

Imagine you and your team are stakeholders (i.e., nurse, physician, patient, family member of patient, or janitorial staff) who will use the facility that was presented by the design team.

Select One stakeholder:

Family member of patient
Janitorial staff
A different stakeholder; get faculty approval three days prior to assignment due date

As a team, review the facility and consider how the one stakeholder’s perspective you selected may be different from another stakeholder, such as physician versus a patient. It is important to consider the stakeholder’s role and use of the facility (i.e., who they interact with, functions they perform, and departments they interact with).

Complete the facility diagram presented by the design team.

You will notice that the doors are missing on the facility presented. As a team, label where you will add doors into rooms.
Label the rooms in the facility presented.
Consider adding basic equipment to the space to help you with orientation and use for your stakeholders.

Complete a flow diagram using the facility diagram you added doors to and label rooms above. Make sure to use your research of FGIs.

The flow diagram needs to show your stakeholder’s use (flow) of the facility.
The flow should show the use from dirty to clean and clean to dirty.
The flow diagram needs to clearly indicate each stakeholder selected. Consider using different markers (i.e., color, shapes).
As a team, write a 350- to 700-word summary of your review of the facility. Your summary should:

Identify each stakeholder’s role selected for the flow diagram.
Discuss whether this space worked or did not work for each stakeholder.
Identify your cross points. Do they create hubs that could reduce foot traffic?
Identify whether the flow supports current build of the facility and FGI guidelines.
Identify 1 possible improvement or alternative that would support sustainable health care facility design and the stakeholder flow in this facility.
o Describe the steps you would take to implement the improvements or alternative designs.

Identify at least 2 evaluation techniques that are used to measure project success.
Consider the type of data needed to evaluate success.

Cite at least 2 reputable references. One reference must be from the journals/magazine listed in the weekly resources (i.e., Modern Healthcare, Healthcare Design). Reputable references include trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality.

Sample Solution

workers rather than consumers. This theory is successful because the audience will promote brands that they like through features on social media platforms like hashtags or tags. These features are a benefit for brands because it is free labour and advertising, meaning that if they produce what a market wants then it will naturally be promoted and shared to the right audience. The joy of brands and fashion houses having social media accounts is that the consumers will be able to see the behind the scenes and see what goes into making these popular brands. The effect that this has on the consumer is that they will feel a connection and a sense of loyalty to a brand because they feel as though they are included within process. Platforms like Instagram can give this kind of behind the scenes services that make the consumer feel as though they are getting exclusive news and information, allowing them to feel more connected. Austin (2013) backs up this theory by stating “when it comes to Instagram, followers want to see behind-the-scenes images from their favourite companies that they would not normally be able to through traditional media.” By having the control over the marketing process, brands can pick and choose who they want to promote the products and think about who will appeal most to a target audience. By doing this the brand are also able to control opinion and perception meaning that by showing the best parts of the brand and its products it will mean that more people will want to not only purchase the products but also support the brand. “With the consumers’ increased use of retailers’ Internet Websites for searching out product information and purchasing, the websites have become key tools for retailers to commu

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