Failure to communicate can often lead to Intelligence failures

The author mentions that failure to communicate can often lead to Intelligence failures. Give an example from your professional, work, or sports (team) experience that illustrates why communication is essential to getting the job done. What caused the lack of communication? Was the communication issue eventually solved? If it was not solved, what kept those involved from finding the appropriate solution?

What is a nonstate actor? Provide an example of a nonstate actor group within the United States that you believe is a threat to our nation’s Homeland Security? What capabilities does this group have that enables it to poses a threat to the U.S.? What vulnerabilities within the U.S. should national leaders be most concerned about with regard to this group?
Module 2 graded discussion:
You are assigned to the Fayetteville, NC anti-terrorism task force as the lead Intelligence analyst. The City Council and the mayor have asked you to provide an Intelligence report assessing the most likely threat for a Black History Month event being held in the downtown area. Use the steps of the Intelligence Cycle to describe the process you would follow in this hypothetical.

The Hierarchy Target Model is one form of model discussed in this week’s assigned readings. Define what the Hierarchy Model is based on your understanding of the readings. Using the Hierarchy Model, find an article or scholarly source that discusses the top-tier hierarchy of Russia’s government beginning with President Putin. Explain that structure and its membership using the DIME construct. Be sure to use proper APA citation for the sources you use – including the textbook.

Share an example from your personal or professional experience of a situation involving Premature Closure. What was the main issue? What effect did Premature Closure have on the overall situation? What remedies or solutions did you use to resolve the situation? If the situation was not resolved, what do you think could have been done?

Describe Link Analysis. Find a news article that discusses how a law enforcement agency used link analysis to solve a crime. Summarize the article. Offer insights based on your understanding of Link Analysis and the case from your article. For example: Did investigators miss something in the case that you would have done differently? Did the use of Link Analysis in the case lead to the discovery of other crimes?


Sample Solution

Code switching is used in any setting where to languages are being used, commonly by speakers that use tow languages. This is seen more often in a dual classroom setting where students display conversations using both languages through the learning content and using each other’s native language for learning purposes. This is how code switching works in the classroom, the students are learning and acquiring a new language while maintaining a conversation back and forth in both languages and acquiring information through the process. Interestingly enough, this tool is commonly used often in bilingual hispanic students within the English and Spanish languages in order to fill in gaps of comprehension. Research on code switching demonstrates that fluent bilinguals use code switching as they use many other linguistic resources, drawing upon both or all of the codes available to them in a patterned and structured way in order to express their comprehension (Palmer, 2009). In order for this tool to be effective, bilinguals must be able to code switch between languages understanding the rules of grammar and the structure of each language with consistency throughout conversations in any classroom setting.

As previously mentioned, it is common to see bilinguals code switch in classrooms as they develop language acquistion in the target language. How do teachers in the classroom perceive the use of code switching? Again, as stated before teachers and researchers have signaled this tool as a sign of wekaness or lack of proficiency in the target language, believing that students learn a language more fluently if they only use one. Some educators seem to believe that if a student relies too much in their mother tongue, that eventually the acquisition of the second language will not be fully developed while code switching. This is one of the many reasons that educators think this tool should be discouraged in classrooms and make instruction an English only setting in order to have more of a positive setting and a welcoming learning environment. The more they are “forced to use the target language, the better they learn it (Palmer, 2009). With English being the dominant language spoken in communities and schools, the heritage language brought in by bilinguals is not seen as being as important as English. Reason being because of the state exams and the requirements that are expected especially with ELA state exams.
An important factor other than meeting state exam guidelines for bilinguals is how they feel in class invironments. Bilinguals are usually placed in dual language programs until they meet the standarized testing minimum. But, their value is not appreciated in classrooms where teachers make them feel uncomfortable or unwelcomed during their code switching conversations with others. The negative feedback that teachers have towards code switching flows into the classroom setting/environment where learners are not given the opportunities to participate in classroom participation. This negative perception has been around the block several times in the past, with the constant use of the dominant language and teachers n

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