Family Literacy Project




Literacy is directly related to school success. Supporting family literacy in the early years directly impacts a childs school readiness and later school success. Therefore, family literacy plays a critical role in quality programming.

Directions: Design and implement a literacy activity that supports the diversity of families, children, and staff in your school, incorporating reading, writing, speaking, and listening. You can involve all age groups: infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children who are in your center or choose one classroom. Document the process, results, and creations in a way that can be displayed prominently in your school.

Write up specific details of the activity:

What is the element of this project that supports diversity in your school? (S2a) (S1b)
What is the activity?
What steps were taken to begin the project? (S4c)
What happened as families and staff got involved? (S2c) (S4a)
What were the creations that emerged from the project? (S4b) (S5c)
What were the benefits of this project for you, families, and children? (S2b) (S4d)


Sample Solution

Family Story Quilt: A Celebration of Diversity

This activity supports the diversity of families, children, and staff in our school through its focus on storytelling and cultural representation. It incorporates reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills for all age groups.

Element Supporting Diversity:

  • Focus on Family Stories:This activity celebrates the unique stories and traditions of each family, fostering cultural understanding and appreciation.
  • Multilingual Materials:We will provide multicultural children’s books in various languages alongside English versions to encourage representation and family language use.
  • Open-Ended Materials:A variety of art materials allows children and families to express themselves creatively regardless of artistic skill level.

The Activity:

  • Theme:“My Family’s Story”
  • Materials:Fabric squares, yarn, markers, crayons, pictures, buttons, magazines, scissors (adult use only), glue sticks (adult use only), and multicultural children’s books.
  • Preparation:
    • Collect fabric squares in various sizes and colors.
    • Gather multicultural children’s books representing diverse families and traditions.
    • Prepare a designated workspace with art materials.
  • Implementation:
    • Welcome families and introduce the “My Family’s Story” theme.
    • Briefly read a selection of multicultural children’s books to spark conversation and inspire families.
    • Invite families to collaborate on creating a fabric square representing their family story. This could involve drawings, pictures, or written words in their home language.
    • Encourage families to use different art materials to express their unique traditions, hobbies, or special moments.
    • Staff members can provide support, translate if needed, and help younger children use art materials safely.
  • Display:
    • Once completed, fabric squares will be sewn together to create a large quilt representing the diverse stories of our school community.
    • The quilt will be displayed prominently in the school hallway with labels for each family’s contribution.

Creations and Outcomes:

  • A collaborative family quilt showcasing the unique stories and cultural backgrounds of our school community.
  • Enhanced communication and storytelling skills for children and families.
  • A stronger sense of community and belonging for all participants.


  • Families:Opportunity to share their family story and feel valued within the school community.
  • Children:Develop literacy skills through storytelling, reading, and expressing themselves creatively.
  • Staff:Build stronger relationships with families and gain a deeper understanding of their backgrounds.
  • School:Creates a welcoming and inclusive environment that celebrates diversity.


  • Take pictures throughout the activity showcasing families working together and children engaged in creating their squares.
  • Capture quotes from families about their experience.
  • Display pictures, quotes, and the finished quilt together in a prominent location within the school.

This “Family Story Quilt” activity fosters a celebration of diversity, promotes literacy skills, and strengthens connections between families, children, and staff within our school community.


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