Field Site Description


This project has a single purpose: (1) the selection of your location for your field site for your ethnography. This
field project is worth 10% of your grade.
Read the instructions for the field research project so you are familiar with what is required of you and what the
final assignment is. This assignment is to help you to get going, to get you to find the location for your study.
You are required to complete a one-page description of your field site. This description gives the instructor an
idea of what type of project you have chosen, where you will be observing, and why you chose the particular
site. It will allow the instructor to work with students who are having trouble locating a site, or who may need to
adjust their research project (note: While this by itself is not graded, non-compliance will have an effect on your
final ethnographic paper). . In the Field Site Description you need to answer the following questions:
1) Where is your field? What is the topic of your ethnographic research? Why did you choose that topic?
2) How will you complete the participant observation portion? Is it easy for you to access the field site? Will
language be an issue? What are the dates and times that you will visit your field site?
3) Do you have an informant? Who might you interview? Who can you get insider information from?
4) What outside materials might you use (websites, reference books, etc.)?

Sample Solution






Bone Marrow Transplants

During the previous 40 years, bone marrow transplantation has risen as a treatment alternative for dangerous infections and as a treatment choice for individuals with hereditary issues during childbirth, with restricted future and low quality of life I did (G). In excess of 4,500 hematopoietic undifferentiated organisms [bone marrow] relocated (H) are played out every year in the United States. In the first evolved bone marrow transplantation, exceptionally high portions of cytotoxic medications could be utilized to treat harmful tumors, for example, leukemia (B).

Bone marrow transplantation has been demonstrated to be powerful in kids. Bone marrow transplantation is the main known remedy for SCD. Be that as it may, bone marrow transplantation is hard to get because of the requirement for explicit HLA composing. In a perfect world, family members (allogeneic) give the bone marrow expected to transplantation. While treating ischemic corruption of bone in sickle cell infection, the point of the therapy is to lessen or stop the agony and keep up joint portability. Current treatment alternatives are Resting Joint, Physical Therapy, Analgesic, Arthroplasty or Bone Grafting. To assess the best treatment choices and to decide whether the mix of exercise based recuperation and medical procedure is more powerful than physiotherapy alone requires a great randomized controlled preliminary.

Bone marrow transplantation is a fix to supplant hazardous bone marrow with sound bone marrow. It is otherwise called blood or bone marrow relocate (BMT). Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is a unique therapy for specific malignancies and different ailments. Bone marrow transplantation includes gathering cells (immature microorganisms) typically in the bone marrow, sifting the phones, and recovering them from the patient or other individual. The point of BMT is to get sound bone marrow cells to people after their own undesirable bone marrow has been eliminated.






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