Financial and managerial Accounting

Compare and contrast financial and managerial accounting. Provide one specific, real-life example of how
either financial accounting helps external stakeholders make informed decisions or how managerial accounting
helps managers to improve operational and financial performance



Sample Solution

Two broad facets exist in accounting practice- financial accounting and management accounting. The former is designed for the interests of parties external to the firm (creditors, suppliers, debtors, stakeholders, etc), while the latter is designed for insiders to facilitate operational aspects of the firm. According to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England (AICAE), management accounting sums up all practices which promote the efficient running of the business. Correspondingly, AICAE places all practices which enable the outsider, typically the prospective investor to make an informed investment decision, fall within the purview of financial accounting. In day to day running of business, management accounting enables managers to prepare and present information integral for strategy formulation, decision making, and financial disclosure to internal and external customers, and optimization of resources, planning, and control.

Two broad facets exist in accounting practice- financial accounting and management accounting. The former is designed for the interests of parties external to the firm (creditors, suppliers, debtors, stakeholders, etc), while the latter is designed for insiders to facilitate operational aspects of the firm. According to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England (AICAE), management accounting sums up all practices which promote the efficient running of the business. Correspondingly, AICAE places all practices which enable the outsider, typically the prospective investor to make an informed investment decision, fall within the purview of financial accounting. In day to day running of business, management accounting enables managers to prepare and present information integral for strategy formulation, decision making, and financial disclosure to internal and external customers, and optimization of resources, planning, and control

data than a PC. From the minute a child opens its eyes, it has contribution from it’s general surroundings (and apparently this beginnings even before birth). The measure of information is huge – beginning with the main scents, sounds and locates and as it develops more established, its encounters of the world and the individuals around it. Everything the youngster knows is retained (or modified) from its experience of the world.

Clearly, no PC or program that exists today has the limit or the capacity to retain the level of data along these lines. Be that as it may, Simon states, “instinct, knowledge and learning are never again the selective assets of people” (H. Simon p. 120). Intel has quite recently discharged a bundle of programming professes to enable PCs “to learn” through cutting edge prescient calculations. The product ‘enables’ the PC to better to anticipate the result of specific occasions. The more information the application approaches, the better the prescient capacities ( This provides reason to feel ambiguous about Seale’s Axiom 3 and Conclusion 2. To have the option to evaluate past execution and gain from it, the PC must accomplish more than just playing out a lot of directions – it must ‘comprehend’ what the importance of a result (depends on programming and on past models), ‘realize’ that this result is unwanted and ‘recognize’ what proper changes to make. The quantity of models improve its precision and this isn’t entirely different to the manner in which we learn.

A youngster begins like a PC with a working framework – the ability to be modified and to assimilate data and procedure it seriously, and the ability to figure out how to learn, little fundamental projects regular to all of us like Intel’s tool compartment. Exercises, for example, riding a bicycle which Wilkinson contends are down to aptitude, are in actuality down to a great many snippets of data gained by the individual. We neglect to ride the bicycle from the very beginning since we don’t have a full arrangement of directions about riding bicycles – some data (balance, speed and so forth) is obtained by experimentation. Having had a few million years to advance, our working framework and hence our program is undeniably further developed that that of PCs which have just been around for a couple of decades and are moderately crude.

This implies recreating a human psyche isn’t outlandish – it is simply unrealistic right now. A case of positive strides towards this stage can be found in an examination completed on whether a PC could perceive the distinction between a male and female face. Given the correct professional

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