You are to produce a landscape-oriented poster that illustrates and explains the financial
performance of a listed shipping company. It should employ financial ratios, cover the past
five years and benchmark the chosen company against four of its closest competitors. It
should be visually appealing while ensuring that the figures or ratios you choose to display
are relevant and meaningful.
Such 2-page advertisements appear in the financial papers as advertisement for the
purposes of attracting investors and you can use them as a reference.
To proceed with this coursework, you must be able to access a shipping company’s financial
• You are not allowed to use the two benchmark companies we will use during our
• Companies listed in most major stock exchanges are required to publish their annual
reports online.
• Make sure that at least 50% your company’s revenue is generated from shippingrelated activities.
• If you have difficulties obtaining the annual report of a company, please try a
different company before asking for guidance. It’s your responsibility to choose
companies whose data is available.
Content-wise, make sure you include ratios allowing you to apprehend the company from
all five perspectives covered in class. Do not forget comparison with four major competitors.
Note that 5 ratios for 5 companies over 5 years are really hard to parse in their raw data
form so you will have to use appropriate charting techniques to visually summarize all that
Please note that the assessment criteria (see below) do not include theory or academic
referencing, so you do not need to (and indeed must NOT) include definitions for each ratio
(it will be considered off-topic). The limited space of a poster means that you should not
indulge in stale repetition of theory.
Instead you are expected to use the limited space available to provide succinct explanations
concerning each ratio: begin by underlining the most important figures and then attempt to
explain your company’s financial performance by linking it to market conditions, specific
events or company decisions. Make every word count!
To help with the marking of the ratios used, you are to also submit a copy of the financial
data used and, eventually, of your calculations (if a ratio is already calculated in the
company’s annual report then please provide the respective page instead).
Presentation-wise, begin by making sure your poster is legible; what cannot be read cannot
be marked. Since you are meant to focus on an individual company, it is expected that your
poster will feature prominently the company’s name, logo and eventual photos relating to
their activities. Additional marks will be allocated if the poster is visually appealing and has
internal logic and coherence.
recommends Frowe looks for a fair, simply battle between two members keeping away from non-warrior passings, yet couldn’t this prompt higher demise rate for soldiers, as the two sides have moderately equivalent opportunity to win since both utilize comparative strategies? By and by, ostensibly Frowe will contend that soldier can legally kill one another, showing this is simply, which is likewise upheld by Vittola, who states: ‘it is legitimate to draw the sword and use it against transgressors (Begby et al (2006b), Page 309).’ moreover, Vittola communicates the degree of military strategies utilized, yet never arrives at a resolution regardless of whether it’s legitimate to continue these activities, as he continually tracked down a center ground, where it very well may be legitimate to do things like this however never consistently (Begby et al (2006b), Page 326-31). This is upheld by Frowe, who estimates the real strategies as per proportionality and military need. It relies upon the greatness of how much harm done to each other, to pass judgment on the activities after a conflict. For instance, one can’t just nuke the psychological oppressor bunches all through the center east, since it isn’t just relative, it will harm the entire populace, a potentially negative side-effect. All the more critically, the officers should have the right aim in the thing they will accomplish, forfeiting the expenses for their activities. For instance: if troopers have any desire to execute all detainees of war, they should do it for the right expectation and for a noble motivation, corresponding to the mischief done to them. This is upheld by Vittola: ‘not generally legitimate to execute all warriors… we should consider… size of the injury incurred by the foe.’ This is additionally upheld by Frowe approach, which is significantly more upright than Vittola’s view however infers similar plans: ‘can’t be rebuffed basically for battling.’ This implies one can’t just rebuff another in light of the fact that they have been a soldier. They should be treated as altruistically as could really be expected. Nonetheless, the circumstance is raised on the off chance that killing them can prompt harmony and security, inside the interests, everything being equal. By and large, jus in bello recommends in wars, damage must be utilized against warriors, never against the honest. Be that as it may, eventually, the point is to lay out harmony and security inside the ward. As Vittola’s decision: ‘the quest for equity for which he battles and the safeguard of his country’ is the thing countries ought to be battling for in wars (Begby et al (2006b), Page 332). In this manner, albeit the present world has de