What are the firm’s major products or services? Discuss how Twitter compete’s with its competitors as a social advertising firm.
Wikipedia characterizes Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) as Socially dependable contributing (SRI), otherwise called reasonable, socially cognizant, “green” or moral contributing, is any venture technique which tries to consider both monetary return and social good.[11] Simply put Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) is settling on speculation choices to accomplish social and ecological profits without trading off for gainfulness. As Socially Responsible Investors, while assessing where to put away their cash financial specialists likewise put social, moral, natural and administration worries in a critical position.
Socially capable speculators choose and assess ventures based on both monetary and social criteria to ensure that the speculations they make are steady with their worth framework and convictions. A few people are worried about putting resources into the organizations which are engaged with things like liquor, tobacco, betting, military weapons, and so on. Some are worried about impacts organizations have on condition. Some need to guarantee the insurance of human rights. Normally these speculators will in general reject from their portfolio, organizations that are engaged with these dubious exercises or that don’t coordinate their worth framework. Some socially mindful speculators go above and beyond and decide to put resources into organizations that show administration in social issues like organizations that pay reasonable wages to their laborers. They utilize these screening measures while settling on speculation choices to ensure that during the time spent bringing in cash or in the chase of unrivaled returns they are not supporting or financing socially reckless or unscrupulous organizations. Additionally as an ever increasing number of financial specialists utilize such screening models, they bring issues to light to firms that are not receptive to social concerns and they can put pressure on those organizations to change. [2]
2. Speculation Strategies