Five-Factor Model of Personality, also called the “Big Five”


The Five-Factor Model of Personality is a trait approach to personality. Watch the following Ted Talk to learn more about the five areas below, before proceeding to step one:

1. Openness to experience/intellect: Are you eager to try new experiences and ideas, or are you more comfortable having experiences stay the same most of the time?
2. Conscientiousness: How organized of a person are you? Are you a reliable person, or are you generally careless with your actions?
3. Extraversion: Are you a social person who feels “recharged” when interacting with other people, or are you a quiet, more reserved person who prefers solitude?
4. Agreeableness: Would you say you are a compassionate, forgiving, and understanding person, or do you tend to be more critical and blunt to people?
5. Neuroticism: Are you someone who is nervous, anxious, and worries about the future, or are you calm and hard to fluster?
Step 1: Take the “Big Five” at the following link:
Write a thoughtful one or two paragraph essay that addresses the following:


• Briefly summarize your personality test results. Do not copy/paste the results from the personality test; instead, summarize your results in your own words.
• Explain the ways in which you agree or disagree with the results. Next, think of someone that knows you well. Explain the ways in which he or she would agree or disagree with your results.
• Based on your results, identify one area you might like to improve. Explain specific strategies you might use to implement the improvement.

Sample Solution

The five-factor model of personality (FFM) is a set of five broad trait dimensions or domains, often referred to as the “Big Five”: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism (sometimes named by its polar opposite, emotional stability), and openness to experience (sometimes named intellect). Highly extraverted individuals are assertive and sociable, rather than quiet and reserved. Agreeable individuals are cooperative and polite, rather than antagonistic and rude. Conscientious individuals are task focused and orderly, rather than distractible and disorganized. Neurotic individuals are prone to experiencing negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression, and irritation, rather than being emotionally resilient. Finally, highly open individuals have a broad rather than narrow range of interests, are sensitive rather than indifferent to art and beauty, and prefer novelty to routine.

electronic modalities, like security restrictions, as well as other elective methods of mental administrations accessible to clients. And indeed, therapists ought to attempt to set up for face to face meetings for informed assent for clients that might definitely dislike their ability to assent.

Insurance for Vulnerable Persons. In view of the Principle I: Respect for Dignity of Persons and Peoples, this rule proposes that in the occasion a substitute leader is expected to give assent, the clinician ought to check the character of the substitute chief face to face.

Protection and Confidentiality. In light of the Principle I: Respect for Dignity of Persons and Peoples, the rules propose that clinicians ought to teach themselves on the act of telepsychology, secure electronic modalities used for correspondence (for example video conferencing or email applications), the accessibility of such gadgets, and to utilize implies that best safeguard client protection. Also, as a component of informed assent, the clinician ought to tell the client of their security rehearses. Besides, in case of faker worries, steps ought to be taken to have a strategy for confirming the client’s character.

Capability. In light of the Principle II: Respect for Dignity of Persons and Peoples, the rules recommend that clinicians ought to do whatever it may take to keep awake to date on the writing on telepsychological rehearses and ought to utilize this data while concluding the administrations that will be given to various clients. Further, therapists ought to have shown ability in resolving issues face to face preceding tending to it through mechanical modalities.

Amplify Benefit and Minimize Harm. In view of the Principle II: Respect for Dignity of Persons and Peoples, the rules propose that clinicians ought to have printed copies of electronic correspondences with the client, guarantee the help techniques line up with the client’s requirements, affirm that methods to continue in case of a crisis are set up, lay out a framework for tending to client’s correspondences that are left when the clinician is inaccessible (for example answering to messages in light of the clinician’s accessibility

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