FLSA Analysis


For this assignment, you will be researching the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

For the first section of your paper:

Assess the main features of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
Compare the definitions of exempt and nonexempt employees.
Evaluate at least three criteria that differentiate an exempt and nonexempt employee.
In spring 2014, then-President Obama sent a memo to the US Department of Labor (DOL) Secretary directing reform of FLSA to address white-collar exemptions and, effectively, increase the number of employees entitled to overtime pay. Some changes have been approved and became effective as of December 2016. Research some of the revisions the DOL adopted such as an increase in minimum salary requirements and changes to the current “primary duty” test.

For the second section of your paper:

Analyze some of the controversies and objections associated with these modifications. Explain and justify your view–do these changes benefit employees or the employer? Do you prefer the previous FLSA law or the changes?

Sample Solution

FLSA Analysis

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting employees in the private sector and in federal, state, and local governments. Covered nonexempt workers are entitled to a minimum wage of not less than $7.25 per hour. Overtime pay at a rate not less than one and one-half times the regular rate of pay is required after 40 hours of work in a workweek. The difference between exempt and nonexempt employees is who gets paid overtime and who doesn’t. Employees who qualify as “exempt” are exempt from overtime regulations (and minimum wage law), whereas “nonexempt” employees must be paid for every hour of overtime they work.




Digital harassing has turned into a significant issue in many work places, particularly in social insurance settings among attendants. This paper will clarify what digital harassing is and talk about a portion of the techniques that workers use while digital tormenting. The impacts digital harassing has on workers can go from pressure and cerebral pains to the outrageous of post-horrendous pressure. The nursing calling is being affected by digital domineering jerk in an assortment of ways, including high pressure workplaces, high turnover rates, restorative mistakes and poor patient consideration. The whole calling of nursing may likewise be losing believability if numerous medical attendants keep on undermining their associates and put patient consideration being referred to. There are a few results talked about, alongside certain strategies to lessen and hinder digital harassing among medical caretakers. Generally, the impacts, outcomes and a few methodologies to maintain a strategic distance from digital tormenting will be talked about top to bottom.

There are numerous minor departure from the meaning of digital tormenting. Ordinarily, digital harassing is named a purposeful, forceful act or acts, over some undefined time frame, to dispense hurt on the injured individual by using different electronic types of articulation. (reference 1) Cyber-tormenting has three primary parts, the plan to exact mischief, dreary assaults over some stretch of time and every now and again includes a lopsidedness of intensity. (reference 1)

Digital tormenting in the working environment can incorporate demonstrations of terrorizing, tattling, inactively or forcefully declining to help a collaborator out of luck, utilizing snide or disparaging tones, retaining basic data, open mortification or ridiculing. (reference 2) Cyber-bulling in the work environment can be promptly clear or can be progressively discrete and less unmistakable, be that as it may, either type can affect an individual’s passionate status, which at that point can impact their work execution and even outcome in medical issues. Digital tormenting can be immediate or aberrant, direct digital harassing is the point at which the injured individual is straightforwardly focused by either barring them from a social gathering, making direct dangers or affronts or notwithstanding utilizing an infection to degenerate their PC or telephone. Aberrant digital tormenting may happen without the unfortunate casualty having direct learning of it, for instance, sharing private or secret data about the individual, with an end goal to make hurt the person in question. Other aberrant strategies for digital harassing incorporate posting humiliating photographs or pictures and spreading bits of gossip or harmful data through an assortment of innovative stages. (reference 1)

There are numerous ways that digital harassing can be done, and with innovation extending at a fast rate, new ways are continually rising. Some electronic techniques that digital domineering jerks use are content informing, email, web based life locales including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, web journals, talk rooms, texts and notwithstanding posting photographs, recordings or pictures that are planned to scare or undermine a collaborator, accordingly making mischief the individual. Since innovation has extended at such a quick rate, there are various stages that a cyberbully can use to digital domineering jerk a collaborator.

Digital tormenting in the working environment can diminish confidence, bring down the injured individual’s general occupation fulfillment and cause other physical and passionate medical problems. Digital harassing can cause a wide assortment of issues for a person in the work environment. Commonly digital harassing includes a maltreatment of intensity, which thus can make the injured individual feel unprotected and decrease their self-assurance. Diminished sentiments of fearlessness after some time can bring about pressure, uneasiness, cerebral pains, resting issues, touchiness, discouragement and in extraordinary cases, cause posttraumatic stress issue.( ref 2)

Attendants can be affected by digital tormenting in an assortment of ways, both rationally and physically. Attendants can wear out after delayed presentation to pressure, prompting an expansion in therapeutic mistakes and a decrease in occupation fulfillment. Attendants can start to question their clinical abilities and information, which can thusly, increment prescription blunders, increment mistakes with respect to persistent wellbeing, increment patients’ danger of falls and in general, diminish the nature of consideration gave. (ref 2). Other negative effects of digital harassing in nursing is a general decrease in worker assurance, higher paces of truancy, expanded staff turnover rate and a decrease in the capacity to draw in new medical caretakers to the calling. Likewise, when medical caretakers are seen in a negative light, it can make patients lose trust in their degree of consideration, to scrutinize the uprightness of the nursing staff associated with the wrong conduct and even question the notoriety of the association giving the patient consideration. (ref 5)

Research has demonstrated that medical caretakers experience tormenting and provocation running from 27% of the time, to as frequently as 80% of the time (ref 6) Cyber-harassing among attendants can happen starting from the top, from the base up and even along the side (ref 2). Despite the fact that culprits can incorporate patients, doctor and other social insurance laborers, thinks about have demonstrated that the most continuous experts using tormenting strategies are nurture in positions of authority. (ref 6). What’s more, medical caretakers more youthful than thirty years of age and attendants with less long stretches of experience were essentially bound to experience tormenting in their work environment than more seasoned, increasingly experienced partners. (ref 3)

There is no particular government law that applies to digital harassing in the nursing calling. (ref. 7) Since digital harassing has turned out to be such an every now and again utilized and destructive strategy, 49 out of 50 states have embraced some type of received different types of hostile to tormenting laws, bills and arrangements. (ref. 8) In 2013 Florida included a digital tormenting charge that enables schools to force both school and criminal authorizes on menaces, including digital harassing just as incorporating tormenting that occurs off grounds on the off chance that it upsets the learning condition at school. (ref 8)

Albeit numerous states have begun tending to digital tormenting at evaluation school levels, there are as yet numerous upgrades to be made with respect to digital harassing in the work environment. In 2015 the American Nurses Association (ANA) built up another position proclamation in regards to harassing in the working environment. The ANA expresses that it won’t endure any viciousness, social insurance experts must encourage regard for one another, use methodologies to counteract working environment incivility and advance in general security and all human services laborers ought to use procedures to make and keep up a working environment that clings to a culture of regard. (ref 7)

Contingent upon the seriousness and degree of the digital tormenting, outcomes could run from being officially accused of provocation or stalking down to no criminal allegations. Digital harassing is a zone that isn’t completely lawfully tended to because of the wide range that the cyberbullying can cover. (ref 9). Numerous social insurance associations have received a zero resistance strategy and are set up to end nurture that have been demonstrated to be menaces to their colleagues. (ref 3) Nurses fired and considered “harassers” may experience issues discovering future work as a medical caretaker. Common suits can be achieved, be that as it may, these can be costly and frequently incapable.

As an attendant, there are numerous things that I accept can be actualized to prevent digital harassing in the working environment. I accept that all medical caretakers ought to pursue the ANA arrangements with respect to working environment class. All social insurance laborers should address each other with deference and act expertly consistently. I additionally accept that having a solid emotionally supportive network, both at work and at home can help mitigate a portion of the pressure that may create from a digital harassing that may happen. Each medical attendant should reconsider before posting, messaging or messaging whatever may offend someone, double-cross their trust or be an endeavor to undermine them. Quiet wellbeing ought to consistently be a need and medical attendants ought to consent to concentrate on that and put their own disparities in a safe spot. I feel that every single new medical attendant ought to have a tutor nurture that has been prepared on hostile to tormenting methodology and can offer systems and thoughts to new medical attendants, if they experience any digital harassing conduct. Unknown help lines that permit revealing of oppressive medical attendants and offer strong proposals would likewise be useful in diminishing tormenting among attendants. In conclusion, I feel that all wellbeing laborers ought to be required to go to proceeding with instruction courses that emphasis on supporting different attendants and how to abstain from turning into a domineering jerk.

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