Fluency Article


What caused Kenya’s difficulties with fluency? (1-2 sentences)
Why was Response to Intervention (RTI) not helpful in Kenya’s situation? (1-2 sentences)
What strategy did the author use to improve vocabulary knowledge? Why is this strategy effective? (1-2 sentences)
Why is there a stigma about rereading texts aloud and how does Reader’s Theater reduce this stigma? (1-2 sentences)
After completing Readers’ Theater, what did the author notice about the student’s DIBELS scores? (1-2 sentences)
What are your thoughts about the teacher’s approach in using Reader’s Theater to remediate difficulties with fluency? Do you feel that this is an approach you’d be able to use with your students? Why or why not? (1-2 sentences)
How can Reader’s Theater be used to facilitate the development of fluency and reading endurance in students with reading difficulties (e.g., dyslexia)? (1-2 sentences).


Sample Solution

Based on the information you provided, here are the answers to your questions:

  • Kenya’s difficulties with fluency:Multilingual learning environments and lack of focus on silent reading instruction are likely contributors.
  • RTI not helpful:RTI may not be effective due to the foundational challenges and need for a broader approach to reading instruction.
  • Strategy for vocabulary:The author likely used explicit vocabulary instruction, which is effective because it directly teaches word meanings.
  • Stigma about rereading aloud:Rereading can be seen as childish, while Reader’s Theater provides a more engaging context.
  • Impact on DIBELS scores:The author likely observed improvement in fluency scores after Reader’s Theater.
  • Teacher’s approach:Reader’s Theater seems like a positive and engaging approach to improve fluency, and it’s adaptable for various learning styles. Yes, this could be used with other students as it’s fun and promotes collaboration.
  • Reader’s Theater for fluency:By dramatizing text, Reader’s Theater promotes repeated readings in a fun way, building fluency and stamina.


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