1- Find a video/article that discusses any of the topics in our social health chapter (ex. include but not limited to:

LIVING IN A WIRED WORLD: +/- of online/social media/text/etc. in relationships/friendships

FORMING RELATIONSHIPS: The importance of a good social network to our mental health; Qualities of good friends vs. bad friends/how to surround yourself with the right people; The importance of doing good for others

DATING ON CAMPUS: Domestic violence/date rape; How dating has changed; Dating culture in college

DYSFUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS: Domestic violence/rape in general; Emotional abuse; Codependency; Divorce

PARTNERING ACROSS THE LIFESPAN: Marriage for love/Arranged Marriage, Divorce, Cohabitation, Trends in marriage/divorce/children



Sample Solution

All community organizing initiatives are built on the foundation of relationships. You’ll need a lot of solid relationships whether you want to organize a volleyball game or get rid of discriminatory housing practices in your community. Why? Because our relationships with coworkers, communities we serve, and even opponents are the method through which we achieve our objectives. People don’t work in a vacuum; we need to collaborate! The foundation of an organized endeavor for change is our relationships when they are added together. We need a large number of individuals to pitch in with ideas, take a stand, and get the job done.

gure 1 obviously on the off chance that no expense is carried out, the private balance will be a point A, the result consumed will be at Q1 and the cost of the expense is at P1. In the event that left to the market this will prompt an extra weight loss of financial government assistance (region concealed red). It is along these lines down to the assessment to assimilate this externality. The assessment causes the Marginal Private Cost (MPC) bend to move to left achieving another social ideal harmony at point B. The new result of red meat would tumble to Q2 and the cost would ascend to P2, subsequently eliminating the extra weight misfortune.

The thought behind the expense is that when a duty is added to the great the cost of the utilization and the expense of creation of the great ascents, as find in figure 1, from P1 to P2. This ascent in cost goes about as a motivation from buyers to consume less red meat so they have more cash to spend on different products. The motivator for makers is to raise the cost of the really great for the shopper to hold their benefits because of the ascent in the expense of creation. The assessment will ideally imply that less individuals consume red meat and accordingly less individuals will experience the ill effects of the related wellbeing dangers of its utilization; at last implying that the NHS will be under less strain from individuals experiencing diseases because of their red meat admission. It might likewise urge people to substitute red mead for better choices like white meats like chicken and fish.

The public authority can thusly utilize the expense income gathered from the duty to put towards different things. For instance, it would be gainful to place more cash into the NHS so they are better ready to adapt to the quantity of patients they have and offer a more excellent assistance. The public authority could likewise place cash into illuminating the public further about the risks of overconsuming red meat through promoting or making it a mandatory piece of the school system.

Despite the fact that tax collection has its unmistakable advantages, it’s anything but an ideal mediation to address the reasonable market disappointment that is happening. Initially, the versatility of interest for red meat should be considered. On the off chance that the interest for red meat is profoundly inelastic, it will deliver the expense futile on the grounds that the slight expansion in the cost of red meats will significantly affect interest. In a 2011study it was assessed

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