Write a news release (around 400 words).
Review, revise, and edit a backgrounder for the CPRE media kit (3–4 pages).
Write a fact sheet for the CPRE media kit (2 pages).
The Canadian Patient Relations Education (CPRE) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing education and resources on patient relations for healthcare providers across Canada. Our goal is to improve the overall experience of patients receiving care in hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities by helping healthcare personnel better understand their role in creating positive interactions with patients.
Our core focus areas include but are not limited to: effective communication between healthcare staff and patients; addressing ethical considerations when interacting with patients; utilizing up-to-date medical technology for diagnosis and treatment; advocating for patient rights within health systems; and developing best practices for patient privacy protection. We are committed to building bridges between medical professionals, administrators, industry associations, government bodies and the general public in order to promote a society which prioritizes quality healthcare delivery from all perspectives.
Through our various initiatives such as conferences, workshops and educational materials we hope to equip both current as well as future generations of healthcare providers with the necessary knowledge required in order deliver safe and dignified care wherever it is needed (Bailey et al., 2016). Our long-term vision involves establishing an international network where individuals can learn about global trends regarding patient relations so that they may be applied locally depending on context or situation (Rajasekar & Dayalan 2020). Furthermore, we aim to increase awareness among policy makers so that new regulations or laws related patient safety can be enacted where appropriate.
Bandy why assignment essays are common assessment tasks in undergraduate tertiary coursework, and estimate the effectiveness of assignments as an avenue for literacy.( Word limit 500 words – 10 latitude) Please note that the APA representing style is used in this sample essay.
Assignment essays are developed from set questions that give scholars a period of time to probe a content and produce their answer with references to their sources of information. While there are some disadvantages with using assignment essays as an assessment tool, there are sound educational purposes bolstering this practice. This essay examines the reasons why assignment essays are salutary for pupil literacy and considers some of the problems with this system of assessment.
Body paragraph 1
Assignment essay tasks are set to help scholars to develop mastery of their study subject. originally, assignment tasks enhance understandings about subject matter. Yang and Baker( 2005) reason that “ to master your literacy accoutrements and extend your understandings, you need to write about the meanings you gain from your exploration ”(p. 1). Secondly, exploration( Hex, 2004; Zapper, 2006) easily demonstrates that scholars learn the jotting conventions of a subject area while they’re probing, reading and writing in their discipline. This exertion helps them to “ crack the law ” of the discipline( Bloggs, 2003,p. 44). therefore, scholars are learning subject matter and how to write in that correctional area by probing and writing assignment essays.
Body paragraph 2
Using assignment essays for assessment supports pupil learning better than the traditional examination system. It’s considered that course– work assignment essays can lessen the extreme stress endured by some scholars over ‘ unforeseen– death ’ end of semester examinations
If we contend that all scholars write about everything they’ve learned in their study courses at the same time and in the same place(e.g. in examinations), we aren’t giving all of our scholars equal openings. Some scholars aren’t demoralized by the test experience while others suffer ‘ test jitters ’ and perform at the smallest position of their capabilities.( Wonderland University, 2006,p. 4)
also, Jones etal.( 2004,pp. 36- 37) propose that assignment essays can be used to assess pupil learningmid-course and so give them with helpful feedback before they’re subordinated to the test experience. Examinations only give scholars with a mark rather than specific feedback on their progress. thus, setting assignment essays for a substantial part of pupil assessment is a important fairer approach than one- off examination testing.
Body paragraph 3
As an assessment tool, assignment essays have some disadvantages for speakers and scholars. It has been set up that assignment essays consume a great deal of staff time and plutocrat to mark and pupil time to prepare( Sankey & Liger, 2005,p. 192). A consequence of these problems is that feedback to scholars is constantly delayed, and this is much lower useful to scholars than rapid-fire feedback(p. 294). It’s incompletely because of these disadvantages of time and expenditure that other assessments similar as multiple– choice tests and short answer questions have an continuing place in the tertiary literacy terrain.
To conclude, it seems that assignment essays continue to have a prominent part in tertiary education as an assessment tool. This is substantially because they’re veritably effective in developing knowledge and jotting chops for subject areas. Also, assignment essays can be less stressful than examinations as they allow scholars to show their understanding of content in lower pressured circumstances. On the other hand, the time consuming nature of jotting and marking essays points to some disadvantages that also need to be considered. The weight of substantiation, still, supports the jotting of assignment essays for pupil assessment because this approach has similar positive and proven goods for bettered pupil literacy.
Bloggs,J.( 2003). Linking tutoring, literacy and succeeding in advanced education. London Bookworld.
Hex,J.M.( 2004). Pupil essay jotting. Journal of Research in University Education, 9( 2), 114- 125.
Jones,J., Smith,P.L., Brown,K., ZongJ., Thompson,K., & Fung, sire( 2004). Helpline Essays and the university pupil. Tokyo Courtyard Printers.
Sankey,J.M., & Liger,T.U.( 2003). Learning to write essays( CD- ROM). Sydney Wonderland University.
Taylor,G.( 1989). The pupil’s jotting companion for the trades and social lores. Cambridge Cambridge University Press.
Wonderland University.( 2006). Attributes of a university graduate. doi10.1098/ 063- 112
Yang,S., & Baker,O.E.( 2005). Essay jotting and the tertiary pupil. Melbourne Diamond Press.
Zapper,Y.( 2006). Learning essay jotting. InF.T. Fax &Y. Phoney( Eds.), Learning gests at University(pp. 55- 70). Calcutta Academic Scholar Press.