Frederick Banting discovered insulin in 1923 and refused to put his name on the patent because he found it unethical for a doctor to profit from a life-saving discovery. His co-inventors James Collip sold the patent to the University of Toronto for $1 because
they wanted everyone who needed it to be able to afford it. Given that history:
Insulin prices have skyrocketed in recent years, forcing people with inadequate health insurance and limited incomes to make some difficult choices.
A. Discuss what benefit value-based pricing insulin offers to the US population versus pricing based on cost of production.
B. What negative impacts might be imposed on our economy and society by pricing insulin according to “Willingness to Pay” versus “Ability to Pay”?
C. If the government were to subsidize insulin for people who can’t afford it, who do you think should set the prices for it? The government? Or pharmaceutical companies? Explain your reasoning.
D. What case could there be made for excluding Type II diabetics from an insulin-assistance program?
observation sheet that she liked how the AT sat the students down and were given a ‘’clear routine” of the lesson (Appendix 6). The AT insured that the lesson was carefully planned and that a competent knowledge was showcased when it came to integrating the iPad to avoid issues such as ‘lack of time’ highlighted previously by Pyle and Esslinger (2013). As this limited knowledge and experience of ICT in education can be seen as a barrier to learning for students (Honan, 2008; Kiridis et al, 2006). Which in turn will affect students’ progress. The idea of giving a ‘clear routine’ was to ensure the students knew behaviour expectations for the AT to keep control of the class as the iPad could disrupt learning (Henderson and Yeow, 2012) hindering progress.
During the lesson, students were asked to create a gymnastic sequence while linking in other parts of the curriculum. They looked at three keywords taken from the SOW on the board of Tension, extension and precision (Appendix 2) and had to craft a sequence. At this point, it was clear to see that the students were excited about using the iPad as the observing teacher mentioned in a professional discussion that students were ‘’Optimistic and engaged compared to previous lessons”. The students were engaged straight away, with the theme occurring throughout the lesson. Students knew they would be recording their performances and assessing themselves based on the keywords, focusing them on what constitutes success and supports them in assessing their own learning and progress (Bartlett, 2015) which meant the students were excited about the new learning environment and being involved in their Assessment for Learning.