Free education for everyone


Free education for everyone: shall it be implemented?

The Task Imagine you have received $10,000 grant from a federal agency to conduct research on the above highlighted topic

Your task is to: 1. Explain on what research purposes or goals you will spend this money. Provide a statement of your research goals. 2. Describe/explain: (a) What particular research techniques will you use (survey, interview, content analysis, experiment, and others) and how? Provide details on the specifics of the technique(s) of your choice. (b) What outcomes (results) will you be looking for? What will you be measuring or describing? (c) Who will be you participants and how will you recruit them? (d) What will be the timetable of your study? Make it up. (e) Budget (How will you spend your money?). Suggest a list of expenses and an approximate split of $ among them). 3. Summarize if and why, from your point of view, your study will be an important piece of research and help make a positive change in people’s lives

Sample Solution

Doctors play significant roles as teachers by channelling the information and research they have conducted to other individuals to create a network of information (Barksby et al. 2015). A doctor has to perform teaching to be equipped in skills and attitudes to pass information and knowledge through education. There exist no predetermined or formal routes by which doctors can become qualified teachers (Barksby et al. 2015). For instance, a clinical teacher can probably end up being a teacher by acquiring extensive experience or seniority rather than through formal training. Currently, doctors are subject to immense pressure to develop advanced skills in treating patients, administration of health centres and teaching which is adding to their time constraints.

Demand for clinical experience, research, and teaching skills lead to an imbalance of the traits, with some clinical teachers propelled to the position with little training and experience (Young et al. 2014). In recent years, significant efforts have been seen aimed at developing and establishment of medical education units in the UK medical schools as well as the introduction of various medical teaching courses. Doctors are taking advantage of the growing opportunities in improving teaching skills in line with Continuous Professional Development guidelines (Harrits and Larsen 2016). The platform allows for an increase in the commissions for doctors training, interpersonal working and learning channels and preparing learners for future roles.

The most relied upon methodology in learning to teach as a doctor is through experience by actually teaching relative concepts. The following presentation is a reflective analysis following a micro-teach and a lesson conducted with the aim of assessing a doctor as a teacher according to Gibb’s reflection cycle (Barksby et al. 2015). The cycle enables analysis of what I did well during both sessions and what I could do better in the future. The process allows for us to learn and develop our learning skills on an assessment of the results and feelings to handle the more critical issue in the teaching process. The Gibbs reflective cycle entails six steps that begins with a description of the teaching, exploration of the feelings, valuation, analysis, drawing of conclusions and an action plan (Barksby et al. 2015).

I first delivered a 10 minute micro-teach to a group of 6 students. I planned to teach how to fold a t-shirt in 3 seconds. The setting was informal and took place in a small room where we all sat in a circle. After introducing myself and the topic, I followed the structure I had planned for the 10 minutes. First I spent a couple of minutes demonstrating the technique and invited the participants to share their queries. I informed them that there would be a knock-out style competition towards the end of the session where they will be competing head to head to see who could correctly fold 3 shirts the fastest with a prize for the winner. To make some space in the middle of the room, I asked the p

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