Write an essay (1500 words) based on the texts, concepts, and discussions we have drawn on
during the lecture series. The key texts are listed under each week. You should include
references to them in your essay. The appropriate number of sources depends on the topic and
approach but expect to use about 4 in total in the style of Harvard bibliography.
Essay Options:
• Students should select one of the assessment options listed below.
• Must include a contemporary example that was not detailed in the lecture series.
• References should be included.
refined topic I have chosen:
How should regulate social media to ensure that everyone can
participate fairly? Discuss with reference to theories in online participation, political campaigning
and information disorder
Several countries around the world are considering regulating social media – but what might that look like? There are a tranche of ideas that could end the “informational chaos that poses a vital threat to democracies”. One of the suggestions is that social networks should be required to release details of their algorithms and core functions to trusted researchers, in order for the technology to be vetted. Another suggestion is adding “friction” to online sharing, to prevent the rampant spread of disinformation. To ensure that everyone can participate in social media platforms fairly, governments should regulate them to promote transparency and accountability. This could include requiring companies to disclose detailed information about how their algorithms work or mandating the removal of content that violates human rights standards. Governments also need to take a stronger stance on limiting hate speech and misinformation while making sure individuals’ freedom of expression is respected (Kumar et al., 2021).
higher level of people in employment and therefore more people with enough disposable income to put to spend which funds local businesses. The corporation tax is currently 19% which has deceased over time, this is good as it encourages and spurs economic growth. The government also promotes investments which is something significant for businesses such as Jaguar Land Rover, as investments gives them a bigger opportunity to expand.
An article shown on The Independent website shows that a quarter of British Adults do not have any savings. This means that the a lot of British people are not willing to keep there money for luxury items such as a car like Jaguar Land Rover. A major reason, why people are saving is due to the interest rates being so low, this means that people are not willing to save there money as the interest rate will have little affect on the value of there saving accounts. However the government are predicting that the interest rate will increase again, shown on the diagram of the Bank of England with a little increase after 2017.
Due to many people spending their money, an article from the express shows that 35% of people spend majority of their earnings, within the first week. This shows that people simply can not afford to run a luxury car such as Jaguar Land Rover, which is why Jaguar Land Rover aim for the high earners.
The average UK household debt (including mortgages) was £58,540 in June, according to financial charity The Money Charity. Overall in the UK, people owed nearly £1.6 trillion at the end of June 2018, up from £1.55tn a year ago, this means that less amount of customers are available to purchase luxury cars, due to the lack of availability funds.