Functional Behavior Assessment



Find an article on Academic Search Complete on the Belhaven Library website for “functional behavioral assessment” and “ADHD”. Write a
descriiption of the child’s problem behavior. Then, explain how the functional behavioral assessment (FBA) was used to determine the function of the
behavior. Next, using the same method, find another article to describe how a contingency-based self-management plan was used to address the problem
behavior within the context of its apparent function.


Sample Solution

This article, “The Utility of the Functional Behavioral Assessment to Address ADHD-Related Challenging Behaviors in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder” by Zakeri et al (2015) discusses how functional behavioral assessments can be used to address challenging behaviors related to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in students with autism spectrum disorder.

The child’s problem behavior discussed in the article was noncompliance and disruptive behaviors that interfered with academic performance. Specifically, during circle time, the student would refuse instructions from teachers, get up from her seat without permission and engage in disruptive behavior such as running away or throwing objects. The student also exhibited difficulty sustaining attention due to her impulsivity and hyperactivity levels, which further impeded her academic progress.

To determine the function of these behaviors, a comprehensive functional behavioral assessment (FBA) was conducted by observing and collecting data on the student’s problem behaviors while taking into account contextual variables such as setting events or antecedent stimuli that may have triggered them. This process included interviews with parents and teachers about the target behavior as well as reviews of school records and previous interventions implemented for that student. After completing an exhaustive review of this information, it was determined that these disruptive behaviors were primarily driven by an attempt to gain access to tangible items or social reinforcement such as praise or attention; thus meeting her need for escape/avoidance when faced with difficult learning tasks or social interactions within classroom settings. Further analysis revealed that certain environmental triggers like changes in routine exacerbated these challenging behaviors leading up to their eventual escalation.

Overall, this study demonstrated how FBA can effectively be utilized in understanding more complex problem behaviors associated with ADHD in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders so that appropriate interventions can be designed accordingly.

Capitalism results in economic growth because it feeds innovation through competition. China has developed an increasingly free market economy. The Soviet Union was innovative whenever they were involved in competing with the United States, but for products only distributed within their nation, it was always the bare minimum. The “invisible hand” of competition, brings the market to a natural equilibrium according to Adam Smith. Competition supports individual growth as well, and eventually results in more specializations of work.

An important distinction between capitalism and communism is the idea of equal opportunity verses equal outcome. Capitalism supports the idea of equal opportunity, but this automatically results in an unequal outcome because of the varying amounts in which different people are willing to work. Communism on the other hand supports the idea of equal outcome. There should be no wealth gaps in a communist state because it doesn’t matter how much work a person puts into succeeding, they end up with the same result. There is no competition, and there is no opportunity for growth.

China was primarily communist before for the majority of the 20th century, but they began transitioning into a mixed economy during the 90’s. They’ve experienced great economic growth due to this transition. In 1990, China’s GDP was 360.585 billion USD, and in 2011 12.238 trillion USD (China, 2017). The gross nominal income, GNI, per capita has also grown from 330 USD in 1990, to 8, 690 USD in 2017 (China, 2017). The new plan for China is to focus on innovation and becoming a leader in technological advances. “Made in China 2025” is a plan set out by Xi Jinping to change the Chinese economy to a mixed economy instead of a controlled economy (Amadeo, 2018). They are recognizing the relationship that innovation and competition have in furthering the economy. China’s plans to evolve into a mixed economy with more privatized markets will turn China into a more economically balanced nation.

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