Functional Fitness


What is Functional Fitness?

-effects on cardiovascular health
-joint pain/stiffness
-weight loss


Sample Solution

Functional Fitness

Chances are you don’t live to exercise. For many people, exercise is a way to maintain or improve their quality of life. And that is the focus of functional fitness. Functional fitness exercises train your muscles to work together and prepare them for daily tasks by simulating common movements you might do at home, at work or in sports. While using various muscles in the upper and lower body at the same time, functional fitness exercises also emphasize core stability. For example, a squat is a functional exercise because it trains the muscles used when you rise up and down from a chair or pick up low objects. Functional fitness is safe, inexpensive and interesting alternative for physical training for the elderly, with positive impact on muscle mass, muscle strength and power, cardiorespiratory capacity, flexibility, balance, cognition and cardiovascular health.

unskilled labor affixed to agriculture in LDCs, the high increase in productivity means the country would be able to export primary goods and in turn gain access to foreign exchange* i.e hard currency. We will discuss the use of foreign exchange at a later stage in the essay. INDUSTRIAL POLICIES A late developing state broadly needs two steps to become a successful sustainable industrial growing economy. The first step would be bringing Industry up to par with global competitors, and the second would be introducing competition as a mechanism to increase discovery. The former obviously needs to precede the latter for effective and sustained growth. In the interest to achieve the goal of brining domestic industries up to par, the state would need to bring about successful ‘Import substitution’, which can be done through levying two major policies –Tariff Protection and Subsidies. Tariff protection is fiscally most feasible way to promote the sunrise industry in the country. High import tax on automobiles in Japan after World War II is an example of how a state policy can nozzle the imports into the country. This effort was made to give a boost to Import Substitution. Japan’s automobiles may be a popular case of high import tariffs, but long before that, Britain in the 14th century, had aggressively shielded it’s infant industry in the same method, and levied high tariffs on manufacturing products even as late as the 1820s (Chang, H.J., 2010).

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