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Common sources of funding are universities, government departments, government organisations (such as hospitals) and charitable and Non-government foundations.
religious perspective, this is an alternative ideology, opposed to the hegemony of modern Western systems that rely on capitalism, communism, socialism, the visions of democratic egalitarianism, etc. Consequently, we can say that Islamic fundamentalism is a politicized form of Islam, driven to the extreme by ideologues and spiritual leaders, the doctrine coming especially on the path of erroneous or extremist interpretation of jihad . In other terms, Islamic fundamentalism seeks to build a political order based on the implementation of a legalist utopia whose arbitrary elements are embraced by the sacred emblem of Islam . The origins of the Islamist vision lie in a great complexity of causes. According to Hassan Hanafi, the main cause of the failure of the contemporary ideologies of modernization in Islamic space . To be more explicit, the author listed two essential aspects of the previous thesis .
The first aspect, is the failure of Western liberalism in countries with a strong Arab tradition, eg in Egypt. The author consistently demonstrates that the tendencies of democratization of such traditional-religious societies have been doomed to a resounding failure. The authoritarian tendencies, the abolition of the constitution, the asymmetric political game between hegemonic and minority parties, the falsification of electoral results, etc. were major shortcomings of democratization. Consequently, for the management of such crises, political and spiritual leaders have found the return to the fundamental principles of Islam as the only solution. Not only capitalism and democracy proved to be utopian and incapable of solving the problems of Islamic societies, but socialism also failed badly. The most concrete example in Hanafi’s view is the resounding failure of the Egyptian socialist state and the 1952 revolution. The author is of the opinion that this revolution was only seen in economic terms, but in the other segments the traditional culture was preserved, so that “Islamic socialism” proved incapable of adapting to social-political and religious aspirations. Within this incapacity, the religious factor has becom