Galatians 3:15-4:7






(minimum 2-page, double-spaced, 12pt font size, 1” margins)
1. Make an outline of the above Galatians passage.
2. What is the main argument of the passage?
3. Use 2 books or 2 commentaries to support your answer



Sample Solution

The promise and the law
15 Let me give you an example from ordinary life, brothers and sisters. In the same way that no one can change or add to a lawfully constituted human covenant, no one can do so in this circumstance. 16 The promises were made to Abraham and his offspring. Scripture does not say ‘and to seeds,’ implying a large number of people, but rather ‘and to your seed,’ implying only one person, Christ. 17 What I mean is that the law, which was enacted 430 years later, does not nullify God’s previous agreement and, as a result, does not nullify the promise. 18 Because if inheritance is determined by the law,



Contrasts Between Conventional and Alternative Medicine

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AlternativeDoctorThe progress of science is generally accepted to have improved the nature of numerous procedures, items, and administrations. Be that as it may, in specific circles of life, customary strategies are as yet being utilized; medication is a splendid case of the concurrence of two antipodal methodologies. Alongside ordinarily perceived regular medication dependent on science and innovation, there likewise exists elective medication, which once in a while incorporates rehearses created a large number of years back. The predominance of every one of these sorts of medication have a long-standing history, as every one of them have demonstrated its adequacy; thusly, understanding their favorable circumstances and downsides is urgent for framing one’s own perspective.

The main contrast between these two frameworks is their way to deal with analysis. Traditional medication centers around the components that cause sicknesses and helping their manifestations; each variation from the norm is viewed as a free proviso, separate from the character of an individual and their condition. In contrast to its partner, elective medication considers a to be as a harmony of interrelations between a body and its condition; in this way, an ailment is believed to be brought about by a lopsidedness between them. At the end of the day, elective medication centers preferably around purging the whole framework over on restoring its specific components (Buzzle).

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