Gangs/security threat groups.


An important part of managing correctional facilities includes identifying and organizing responses to challenges. One such challenge is gangs/security threat groups.

For this assignment, you will explore major prison gangs to determine how they affect correctional facilities. The presentation should contain at least six slides, not including the title and reference slides, and the presentation should include the elements below:

Name of the selected gang,
Origin of the selected gang,
Location(s) of the selected gang,
Criminal activities of the selected gang,
Signature tattoos of the selected gang, and
The importance of identifying and organizing responses to gangs/security threat groups (STG).
Please utilize at least one of the following resources below:

Aryan Brotherhood:
Los Angeles-based Gangs—Bloods and Crips: https:




Sample Solution

Gangs/security threat groups

Prison gangs are criminal organizations that originated within the penal system and they have continued to operate within correctional facilities. The Aryan Brotherhood, also known as The Brand, Alice Baker, AB, is the nation`s oldest major white supremacist prison gang and a national crime syndicate. Founded in 1962 by Irish bikers as a form of protection for white inmates in newly desegregated prisons, the AB is today the largest and deadliest prison gang in the United States, with an estimated 20,000 members inside prisons and on the streets. For the Aryan Brotherhood, murder is a way to make a social statement. Before joining the AB, potential recruits are required to “make their bones,” usually by attacking or murdering a rival gang member or assaulting a corrections officer. The number 12 is a numeric symbol for Aryan Brotherhood.



Extremism And Communism

Extremism and socialism are two distinct types of government. Extremism is a type of patriotism, militarism, and authoritarian autocracy of the twentieth century and is intended to make a practical society through severe metro life and private life. Socialism is a legislature without private property, the administration overwhelms the economy in general. Socialism expects to meet the fundamental needs of society by sharing work and government assistance. Both of these hypotheses are imperious, at first adored by individuals, and soon they are disdained by them.

Tismaneanu isn’t the main individual to investigate this theme. In dictatorship and socialism, student of history François Furet and Frenchman and German Ernst Norte talked about the family histories of the two developments. In the coordination of one party rule, socialism, and vote based system, in correlation of the European autocracy system, Gerhard Besier assembled an assortment of papers to investigate the collaborations the political development relied upon. Tismaneanu’s endeavors have a few similitudes with the two writings, yet his focal contention centers around belief system instead of certain chronicled occasions.

Standard communists typically turning around and dismissing totalitarianism. In any case, totalitarianism and socialism have a typical situation to contradict radicalism, private enterprise, independence, and the parliament framework. Fundamentalists and socialists additionally concur with the requirement for an extreme unrest to make another time. Dictatorship is against Bolshevism, yet both Bolshevism and totalitarianism will advance the utilization of one-party states and gathering civilian army. One party rule charges vote based communism as a disappointment. Extremists article to a parliamentary framework that underpins reformism and autocracy. Be that as it may, social popular government is comparative, however communism isn’t in the same class as law based communism, and was censured by Joseph Stalin and Grigory Ginobiev as a variation of one party rule – “social totalitarianism” – this assignment is ” World Communist development “. Official Ideology Stalin communicated totalitarianism and social majority rules system as “twin siblings”

Extremism is a mix of components of corporatism, patriotism, militarism, hostile to progressivism, against socialism. After the Second World War, a few creators framed the thought of totalitariy, alluding to both autocracy and Nazism, and perhaps Stalinism (despite the fact that the last point took a discussion specifically). Another focal topic of Italian one party rule is the “rich” of those days, particularly the battle among France and the UK. Extremist scholar Giovanni Gentile composed an article named “La Dotrina del Fascism” (Fascist precept) in Italian reference book in 1932. Gentiles used to make the expression “writing” to highlight his convention. In this 1932 article composed Adolf Hitler’s capacity a year back, one party rule was depicted as a framework like this:






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