Why we have too few women leadershttps://www.ted.com/talks/sheryl_sandberg_why_we_have_too_few_women_leaders?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare
1. What examples in the TED talk did you notice that are either “sticky floor” or “glass ceiling”? Relate these back to the book as there is quite a bit of overlap in examples.
2. What does the book suggest as a reason for women leaving jobs, particularly in management positions (see page ?
3. Do you think that women leaving jobs due to lack of opportunities is due to “leaving before they leave”, for another reason, or for some combination of factors? Explain you answer with research from the book, talk, or outside journal articles.
happening on account of rising temperature, I was enormously disturbed and concerned. A significant number of the animals that I grew up cherishing were losing their unfathomably particular living space. I accept this is a colossal issue for our general public and I thought about what I could do to take care of this issue.
Over this past summer, I went SCUBA making a plunge Key Largo where I earned my confirmation. My father, who used to be a SCUBA educator enlightened me regarding how the reefs we visited, while as yet astounding, had shriveled and lost a great deal of biodiversity. Indeed, even I could tell that it wasn’t exactly right. There coral reefs that were once brilliant shades of blue, pink, yellow and numerous different hues were turning dull and dismal. There were just a couple of types of coral that were all the while thriving, and numerous skeletons of coral in the sand. Under the water there is a totally different world that numerous individuals can’t find and consequently couldn’t care less for and totally overlook. This hit home in me and I investigated why this was occurring. I discovered that the fundamental explanation this was happening was the expansion in sea temperatures. I additionally discovered that it wasn’t only a Florida issue, however it was likewise obliterating the Great Barrier Reef, an outright dream goal for me. Without activity, this would in the end happen to the entire sea and it is difficult to ever return to typical.
I accept that ensuring the seas and the creatures in it ought to be one of humanities top needs. A large number of the world’s kin live off a carefully pescatarian diet. On the off chance that we lose the coral reefs, it can prompt starvation for some individuals. Likewise, there are a large number of private companies everywhere throughout the world that depend on reefs and are as of now feeling the impacts of blanching. I accept that every individual has a characteristic obligation to leave the Earth the equivalent, if, worse than it was before we were conceived. I realize that one significant advance to taking care of this issue is mindfulness. Numerous individuals live their lives totally unconscious of what’s going on in their general surroundings. It is critical to tell them that the reefs are b