Generality versus Stagnation in middle Adulthood Development





Assignment 4 | Psychology homework help


Adults in their middle years of development often have cultivated a comprehensive understanding of self-related to their societal and cultural settings (e.g., family, work, and culture). This mature view of self includes an understanding of strengths, abilities, skills, and interests that help them to cope with their many responsibilities. Because of this, many report interest in guiding members of the younger generation to help them to gain a better understand of themselves. This is a key goal of adults in this developmental period.

Discuss how Erikson’s stage of psychosocial development of generativity versus stagnation motivates the decisions made by adults during middle adulthood.
How do the additional responsibilities of the middle adulthood affect adults’ self-concept (e.g., physical, social, psychological, and vocational)?
Propose strategies for helping clients who are members of the sandwich generation to protect them from physical and psychological problems because of increased responsibilities.

Sample Solution


Generativity versus stagnation is delimited as the seventh of eight stages of Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development (Karuru, 2018). It represents middle adulthood, from 40 and 65 years. This period is characterized by adult pursuit of legacy-defining achievements of things that will outlast them. It is typically evidenced by parenting children or contributing to programs that benefit common folk. Further, this stage is actuated through contributions to society and posterity. From social psychological perspective, generativity refers to the act of impacting the world by caring for others as well as creating and accomplishing things that make the world a

neighborhood in Paris. The mother of the girls wanted her daughters to be educated in religion. l’Épée, being a Catholic priest, was the perfect option. Contrary to popular belief, these girls taught Abbé Charles-Michel de l’Épée sign language, many people believe he taught them, but it was vice versa. l’Épée just taught the girls about the Catholic religion.

After meeting these girls and seeing that deaf people still could communicate, l’Épée set out on a mission to inform others. He learned Spanish, Italian, English, Russian and German in order to let the rest of Europe know deaf people aren’t worthless, and how they can function as members of society.

Unlike many other deaf instructors, l’Épée didn’t want to profit from education others, he opened a public school for the deaf where he taught many more people sign language. He developed a teaching method after the girls taught him the signs they created. He would sign a sentence and his student would write it in French. Many people heard about his success in teaching Deaf people. One of l’Épée’s famous quotes is “the education of deaf mutes must teach them through the eye of what other people acquire through the ear.”

l’Épée established 21 schools throughout his years, and two years after his death, the National Assembly declared that Deaf people have rights!

After l’Épée died, Abbé Roch-Ambroise Cucurron Sicard became his successor. Sicard was also a Catholic priest, which is why they both have Abbé before their names. H

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