Genetic and environmental causes.

Many diseases have both genetic and environmental causes. Scientists often take traditional racial boundaries into account when researching why certain populations seem predisposed to certain diseases.


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Few diseases results from a change in a single gene or even multiple genes. Instead, most diseases are complex and stem from an interaction between your genes and your environment. Factors in your environment can range from chemicals in air or water pollution, mold, pesticides, diet choices, or grooming products. Subtle differences in one person`s genes can cause them to respond differently to the same environmental exposure as another person. As a result, some people may develop a disease after being exposed to something in the environment while others may not. Scientists often take traditional racial boundaries into account when researching why certain populations seem predisposed to certain diseases.

Anne Frank needs a mother and a father to be born and that makes up a family. Anne’s mother was a tall broad woman that was married to Otto Frank. Otto and Edith had a daughter 3 years before Anne. Her name was Margot Frank. They lived together until the concentration camps. Otto was a wealthy businessman and ended up owning his own company. Mrs Frank was a stay home mom who would hold big parties there would be beef stew and bread and always pastries. Anne’s sister was everyone’s favorite. She never threw a fit or made a scene, yes she was the perfect child. In my opinion Anne had a loving family that always loved her.

Life before imprisonment was good. They didn’t have to worry about Germans or discrimination. Life was great for the Frank family and the other Jews.

Anne was born in Germany and had lots of memorable moments. She didn’t have to worry about Germans or discrimination. She could go to school with all the other kids and go see a movie with her family. With all the big cities like Hamburg, Bremen, Frankfurt, Munich, and East Prussia. Amsterdam had to be the most known with so many tourist attractions. I wish I could go and see Germany when I’m older so I can see the hiding place of Anne Frank.


Anne Frank moved to the Netherlands with her family for freedom from Germany. They moved hoping to get out of Hitler’s control but then Hitler took over almost all of Europe. But before that things were good. Anne was in school as well as Margot and Otto had a business to run. Anne also had many friends at school and never thought of Hitler being a threat. I wonder if Anne went to see the flowers a lot. She once said she used to take it all for granted and that she missed the flowers.

The Holocaust

Adolf Hitler comes to power. Hitler hated anyone who was not German and even then still didn’t trust everyone and even killed thousands of his own soldiers. He particularly discriminated against Jews. He would torture, beat, and killed millions of Jews so he could take over Germany.

Nazi parties were held in celebration of Adolf Hitler and his coming to power. People and children were taught to celebrate and appreciate the things that Hitler did and many didn’t question it. Children would give him flowers and teens would play in bands at the Nazi parties. It annoys and aggravates me to think about Hitler wanting fame for persecuting and killing Jews. Hitler was quoted saying in m

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