Genre in “Old Town Road” by Lil Nas X

1. How is country music and hip hop genre defined?

2. Does Old Town Road present a case for genre hybridity or homogeneity? (based on its instrumentation, structure and theme)

3. Why was “Old Town Road” removed from Billboard Country Chart while “Ride Through the Country” by Colt Ford (also fusion of country and hip hop) remained on Billboard Country Chart?

4. Does Billboard’s decision to remove Old Town Road from the Country Chart stem from issues of genre, analysis of the music itself, or both?



Sample Solution

Genre in “Old Town Road’ by Lil Nas X

Country videos are looking a lot like hip-hop videos these days. And it is not just the girls and the cars. For example, you might recognize this type of low-angle shot because it has been a signature of rap videos since the 90s. as for the music itself, well, country`s sounding a lot like hip-hop too. It`s not just Lil Nas X and Blanco Brown. Mainstream country music is looking to hip-hop to reinvent its sound and aesthetics. we will take a look at country`s growing embrace of hip-hop culture, and some of the strategic reasons why country artists are stepping outside their genre to adapt today`s music landscape.

to the survey in 2014, the total non-UK nationals were 5.3 million from which 2.9 million were the EU nationals and of those 2.2 million are currently working in the UK. Moreover, relation between EU and UK in future can be politically described as EU is not just a group of states which unites and cooperate with each other, but it’s a group of states who have authorities over judicial and executive decisions through creating a supernatural institutions. It can be seen as one of the most noticeable factor, as the European Court of Justice can overrule national jurisdiction and similarly European Parliament with the Council can effectively replace national laws by offering new laws. Majority of British electorate have claimed rejection over these supranational exercises and it was significant that the UK has rejection on one of the elements of the single market. Furthermore, the relationship which both EU and UK seek to have would be based on intergovernmental form of collaboration. This means there will no legal rights of free movements in the labour sector but through a controlled labour mobility plus a contribution to the EU budget. The main purpose of such proposal is to continue the cooperation on matters of common interest. Talking in an interview to The Guardian, Theresa May stated:

“The future framework for our relation with the European Union clearly identifies that we will have an independent trade policy and we will be able to do negotiable trade deals with countries around the rest of the world”(BBC,2016).

One of the biggest worry for EU is the effect of Brexit upon its pharmaceutical industry. European Medicines Agency (EMA) which was based in London since its foundation in 1995, will have to relocate there headquarter from London to any other 27 remaining member states of the EU. EMA which runs the EU centralized system for approving new medicines and also act as a regulatory body of national competence authorities (NCA) and is also responsible for licensing and regulating drugs in each member state. However, the EU was hoping to minimize the threat by slowing down the transfer process over a phased transition period of few years along with the gradual withdrawal of UK from the EU which supposed to start from March, 2019. In this way UK would have continued to assist the agency’s operations and also would help in publishing the key documents such as guidelines. Unfortunately, the agency plans to relocate the headquarters quickly which will result in the complete break between EU and UK in March, 2019. Countries such as Denmark, France, Italy and Spain has shown their interest in order to host the EMA headquarters.

Although, Brexit will lead to a substantial negative effect for UK, Theresa May is making sure that her government assures to introduce lower cooperate tariffs rate in order to keep the flow of the investment coming and also adopting a new strategy of banking deregulation in 2019. The major problem for the UK is to secure British people’s obdurate social and economic rights. The module of European charter of fundamental rights can be adopted and kept in UK which could assure the protection for all the British people and those who are living within the United Kingdom. The signed document of European Convention of Human Rights since 1990 has been in the statue book of UK in order to protect and secure people’s right whether they are at home, office or fighting against discrimination or fair. UK should not just dwell on focusing at the ideological vision but should also give priority to its ordinary people. The

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