Geographic Issue in Health Care

Discuss the reasons for the rural hospital crisis and how it is related to the population demographics presented in the Powerpoint which is posted in the Course Content tab.
Discuss how, even though, the geographic areas share population similarities, that urban hospitals are not facing the same immediate issues?
Present material in a grammatically correct and scholarly matter for discussion and cite any sources using


Sample Solution

Thus, the first empirical studies that showed a positive relationship between information and communication technology and its ICT-savvy and business performance, were based on intermediate performance measures but not worked with other measures such as profitability (Barau et al., 1995). Meanwhile, Brynjolfsson and Hitt (1998) showed that information and communications technology and its ICT-savvy positively affect the productivity of firms, but had no effect on profitability.

Recently, other studies in the literature have demonstrated the existence of a significant positive relationship between the adoption and implementation of information and communication technology or ICT-savvy, and business performance (Baldwin & Sabourin, 2002; Melville, Kraemer & Gurbaxani, 2004; Bloom & Van Reenen, 2007; Koski, 2010; Tello, 2011; Bauer et al., 2012; & Ismail & Mamat, 2012; Kossai & Piget, 2012).

2.3.1 Productivity

Productivity shows a capability of an organization to produce desired results. In order to be productive, firms have to hire skilled managers to organize inputs, solve problems and plan for the future. As a result, the productivity of a firm depends on the way its production is organized. Gosen, J (2009) said that the efficient use of ICT in SMEs lead to increased organizational performance, productivity, and access to market.

Moreover, in the literature there is also publishing studies that establish an important contribution of ICT-savvy, both at the macro level and the micro level of firms (Jorgenson, Ho & Stiroh, 2008; Polder et al., 2009; OECD, 2009, 2010; Bloom, Draca, Sadun, Kretschmer, 2010). In such studies it is established that the information and communication technology, not only have a close relationship with economic activities, but also to productivity, employm

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