Explain how geography correlates to poverty (USA or world).
The correlation between poverty and geography can be understood in terms of two major dimensions that is natural endowment and population density. Natural endowments such as temperature and soil quality. These two factors affect the productivity of an area with regards to the proximity to the coast whereby their presence means enough of food supply that can be used for consumption and for economic purposes so as to meet the daily needs. Absence or infertility of such geographical areas means there is no agricultural production and such the demography is left at the mercy of the very scarce resources.
In human resource management, career planning targets to recognize necessity, desire and chances for ones’ career and the execution of developing human resources programs to maintain the career. The career planning process includes contribution from both the company and the person himself. Thus, it is important that a person knows his skills and ability, and at the same time to understand the need for development and also training through various processes and counselling; the company needs to recognise its requirement and opportunities, to target its employees and to make sure that its employees are given the necessary information and training for their development in career. However, career development is all about deriving the best from oneself and booking a place in the company where it is possible to express and help in achieving the company’s objective and goals. It is not about staying ahead of others. Career development includes vertical debate like advancement and up-rising flexibility. Career development aims to stick to basic principles of relationship of person to its jobs and staff of its company. The action that is well planned allows the staff to prepare for further action in future and protect the company’s needs to gather their needs.
The career can be defined as the series of an individual’s knowledge on various jobs over a span of time. It is viewed as basically a relationship between one or more company and the individual. For few people a career is a carefully written plan for self-growth whereas for some other people it is a routine role in life and for few others it is a journey to find ones’ hidden talent and for still few others it is their life. A career is a sequence of positions that a person is holding during the working tenure of his life. A career is a succession of separate but repeated work activities that provide continuity, order and meaning to an individual’s life (Edwin B. Flippo). The various positions in occupation a person had over the