GEOGRAPHY of phnom Penh


Talk (go in depth) about what is going on in the city of Phnom Penh
What is it like socially, politically, economically, environmentally, and the demographic of Phnom Penh

Sample Solution

•​Show them what their mates do. From time to time people basically do not fathom that they are doing not the maximum amount because the customary.

•​Shrink the get-together. once operating in an exceedingly broad grouping, it’s under no circumstances laborious to deal with whether or not specific endeavors improbably matter.

•​Assign extraordinary commitments. totally different get-togethers develop in restraint since people are endeavoring to be conscious—they ought to solidify everyone and insult no one.

•​Make individual wellsprings of knowledge plainly obvious. Right once it’s tough to check who’s doing what, people will hide out within the get-together.

•​Build a additional grounded relationship. within the event that it’s making an attempt to vary the trip or the outcomes, it would be associate degree impossible chance to handle the link. people do not weight basically completed the method of movement untouchables and accomplices, nonetheless they feel sorry regarding deed their sidekicks stranded.

•​If all else bites the dirt, request exhortation. currently and once more it’s noteworthy to travel unflawed to the supply. Imagine a circumstance within which you pushed toward a loafer and

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