Write a 3- to 4-paragraph, 400 word minimum essay describing and discussing the Rock Cycle
describe the important aspects of the 3 rock families and how they relate to each other in the Rock Cycle
provide specific examples of each rock family
discuss the outer Rock Cycle and the alternate paths
Your essay should be accompanied by a citation list in MLA or scientific format with at least three citations.
One of these citations may be the textbook. Two must be external. Please read the rules for acceptable types
of references in the introductory material (e.g., wikipedia is not acceptable). Please include references within
the text of your essay that relate to your citation list (i.e., let me know where you have used material in your text
from your citation sources). If you reference a web site, you must include the exact web address. read the info
under the syllabus and operating procedures to determine which websites are appropriate references. You may
use no more than two quotes in your text of no more than two sentences each.
DUB is defined as a state of abnormal uterine bleeding in the absence of recognizable pelvic pathology, pregnancy or generalized bleeding disorder and most commonly affects the women of reproductive age group. [1]
• Dysfunctional uterine bleeding constitutes a considerable problem for many women causing discomfort and decreased quality of life. About 10-15% of women experience episodes of dysfunctional uterine bleeding at sometime during the reproductive years of their lives. It is a common cause of iron deficiency anaemia in healthy fertile female[3].
• Annually 5-10% of women of reproductive age seek medical care for DUB which negatively impacts quality of life. Over all it accounts for 6.2% of genitourinary disease reporting to outpatient department and may account for more than 25% of all hysterectomies [4]
• A wide range of treatment modalities are available for dysfunctional uterine bleeding which include medical therapy and surgical interventions. Pharmacological management can be hormonal or non hormonal. Non hormonal drugs like NSAID’S, ethamsylate and antifibrinolytics have been found to be highly effective. Hormonal agents include progestins, combined OCP’s, danazol, GnRH agonists, latest SERMs, oestrogens, sometimes androgens, Levonorgestrel IUCD.
• RCOG recommends beginning with medical management before resorting to surgical intervention[4].
• Medical management has always been the first therapeutic option to be tried as it