Global Extraction Film Festival – Stare Into the Lights My Pretties

Another entry in the Global Extraction Film Festival is a fascinating documentary on “screen culture” which examines how computers have come to increasingly impact all aspects of our lives — including the development of our own brains. Written and directed by Jordan Brown, Stare Into the Lights My Pretties (2017) is a wide-ranging look at this relatively recent and seemingly all-encompassing technological phenomenon. After watching the film, please address the following questions in a 300-400 word (or longer) essay:

1. According to Professor Lelila Green, what are the ABCs that characterize technological development since the turn of the twentieth century?

2. How does the neuroscientist Susan Greenfield distinguish information from knowledge? What is her definition of knowledge?

3. According to Eli Pariser, what is a “filter bubble” and why does he think it is a negative development?

4. The film spends a great deal of time examining the rise of “surveillance culture.” How comfortable are you with the degree of surveillance that is currently taking place in our society? Taking a long view, do you think increasing surveillance is positive or negative development for society? Why or why not?

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This network of oil rigs sits in between New Orleans and the Chandeleur Islands, the southernmost area of the Mississippi River Delta, made up of 2.7 million acres of coastal wetland and home to an array of wildlife. New Orleans, which sits just north of the mouth of the Mississippi River, has developed its own food, music, and culture in the 301 years since the city’s founding, making Southern Louisiana truly unique.

At the corner of Iberville and Bourbon Street sits Acme Oyster Bar, opened in 1924 after a fire destroyed the Acme Café in the heart of the French Quarter. Acme grew in popularity in 1940, when troops, either being deployed or arriving home, would gather at the bar for beer and raw oysters. Acme’s years of history have created an atmosphere and recipe unlike any other, and on any given day you’ll have to stand outside for an hour behind a line of people waiting for Acme’s famous chargrilled oysters, worthy of the $22 price. All the menu reveals is “oysters grilled in an herb butter sauce with a special blend of cheese”, but they’re hiding something to these oysters that make them stand out.

When considering the history of Nola, Jackson Square plays an essential role. French colonials originally named the park Place d’Armes, translated as “weapons square”. This park served as the spot for public executions of criminals and rebellious slaves, and the heads of the hanged criminals were often placed on the city’s gates. In 1803, this park saw Louisiana made United States territory in accordance with the Louisiana Purchase. 12 years later, Place d’Armes was renamed Jackson Square, following the v

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