Global societal issue



address the following prompts:

Identify the global societal issue you have chosen to research , and explain why further research on this topic is important.
Provide a clear and concise thesis statement that includes a solution to the global societal issue (see Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.) for assistance).
Explain how this global societal issue impacts a specific population.
Locate a peer-reviewed scholarly source and provide statistical data that you found surprising on the topic.



Sample Solution

A global issue is one that affects people all around the world. This list of global concerns includes, but is not limited to, broad social issues, economic issues, and environmental challenges that affect people all around the world. The United Nations and the World Economic Forum are two organizations that keep or have issued an official list of global issues. There is no way to analyze, address, or isolate one issue from the others. [4] Habitat loss and climate change, for example, have a negative impact on biodiversity. Overpopulation has direct repercussions such as deforestation and pollution, which both have an impact on biodiversity. While local overcrowding causes rural flight, this is more than offset by accelerating urbanization and sprawl.

model particularly regarding leader-member relations, if the group are familiar and trusting of the leader policy implementation becomes much simpler. Similarly to leadership, understanding and adapting to the situation is key to a leader being able to implement policies that ensure a group work as a team. Teamwork is a product of good leadership, and is again the responsibility of the leader to ensure the group are working successfully together. Highly functioning teams are essential within organisations to increase productivity and member satisfaction, by utilising the talents of all group members effectively within the constraints of the task, personal relationships and the group goals (Pettinger, 2007).
Figure 2: Tuckman’s Model of Group Development (Agile Scrum Guide, 2019)
Tuckman in his Model of Group Development provides easily identifiable stages that a groups performance can be measured against, making it useful for monitoring performance, Figure 2 shows Tuckman’s model. Ranking group performance against this scale can provide leaders with a clear understanding of how the group are functioning, allowing them to implement policies to change this if performance is unsatisfactory (Pettinger, 2007). Within organisations, the theory can be loosely applied to creating teams by grouping familiar individuals with the aim that they will reach the norming and performing stage of the model quicker. For short and simple tasks this is an extremely effective way of organising groups, due to the increased short term productivity. However there are significant issues with grouping individuals in this manner, particularly when tasks become more complex, and ultimately the model should mainly be used for monitoring the progress of groups (Pettinger, 2007).
Figure 3: Belbin’s Team Roles (PrePearl Training Development, 2019)
A more functional approach of grouping individuals is to utilise Belbin’s Team Theory (Belbin, 2017). Belbin identifies 9 key roles that must be fulfilled within a group to ensure success, the roles are summarised in Figure 3. The roles cover a wide spectrum of skills that need to be present within a group to ensure success, and becomes essential when tasks are lengthy and complex. Organisations can find the Belbin roles each individual fits through a questionnaire, and thus balanced groups can be formed covering all the

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