Research and complete concept maps of interrelated concepts that will be featured in the scenario.
A deeper understanding of these concepts and exemplars will help improve your performance when you complete the scenario for the second time. The concept maps are labeled with the concepts and exemplars: Glucose Regulation, Perfusion, and Clinical Judgment.
For the glucose regulation and perfusion concept maps:
For each box, consider adding the following information to BOTH clinical judgment maps to earn full points.
Pathophysiology: What is the underlying pathophysiology for the given exemplars?
Recognize Cues: Consider signs and symptoms, lab work, patient statements, H&P, and others. Include subjective and objective data.
Generate Solutions: What are the desirable outcomes? List SMART goals.
Take action: How should the intervention(s) be performed, requested, communicated, taught, etc.?
Evaluating Outcomes: What signs will point to improving/declining/unchanged status?
Concept Map 1: Glucose Regulation
Central Concept: Glucose Regulation
Insulin: Hormone that promotes glucose uptake into cells.
Glucagon: Hormone that raises blood glucose levels.
Non-insulin-dependent factors: Diet, exercise, stress, medications.
Concept Map 2: Perfusion
Central Concept: Perfusion
Oxygen delivery: Blood flow, oxygen-carrying capacity of blood.
Nutrient delivery: Blood flow, nutrients in blood.
Waste removal: Blood flow, kidney function, liver function.