Google search on photosynthesis

– For the Assignment, do a Google search on photosynthesis for the years
– Must have 12 references (2015-2020, 2 per year). 6 pages single-spaced typed, 2 per year in a page

So like this 2 per year in a page:

Page 1: 2015 and another one 2015
Page 2: 2016 and another one 2016
Page 3: 2017 and another one 2017
Page 4: 2018 and another one 2018
Page 5: 2019 and another one 2019
Page 6: 2020 and another one 2020.

How to write,
Authors, year, title or topic, journal name, Vol. No., Issue No., page range and Abstract. See the attached sample references that I uploaded and do it like it.
All of it is just copy/paste from your Google search. Your document will become like the attached sample file I uploaded, but with 12 references on the topic photosynthesis.

Sample Solution

language. Its fundamental elements are tones created by various musical instruments. Symbolic meaning is included exactly in tones grouped into accords, their sequence, height, pace, repetition, execution, etc. Certain consistency of tones gives individual the capacity to discuss formation of happy, unhappy, and every single other feeling. The key objective of ad is to connect the response to music with the reaction to the advertised product – to demonstrate the unconditioned stimulus (US) (music that appeals to the recipient) with the conditioned stimulus (CS) (product), so that the CS (product) can, whether in the presence or absence of music, accomplish the conditioned response (CR) (delight, fulfilment, and so forth)
Colours are amongst the most important symbolic languages of advertising. They appeal directly to ones’ feelings and stimulate emotions. Combinations of colours help us to create fictitious worlds. The relationship of colours with attributes from the external world leads to setting of myth related to the advertised product. Psychologists indicated that the effects of colours can be defined by connection with the world around us and they are a matter of spirit (Vysekalova, 2007), occultism seeks relations between colours, numbers and sets of notes on a musical scale. Although the features and also the individual perception of colour slightly differ across cultures and historical periods, scientific researches on colours taste gives allowance to come to certain conclusions, which may be generally applicable.

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