Government’s use of information technology


compose a letter to the editor concerning a contemporary example of the government’s use of information technology that you support or oppose. A letter to the editor should assertively state your opinion while embodying a professional demeanor. Your letter should articulate how you came to your conclusion, thus demonstrating your problem-solving and/or decision-making process.
Directions: For this assignment, you will write a 300-word letter on the topic of technology, history, and society. Your essay should have a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose. In addition, your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful. Following are the content requirements of the letter:
Pick an example of when the government used information technology to affect domestic or foreign policy.
• In your example, how did the government use information technology to affect the court of public opinion?
o Did this concern a domestic or foreign matter?
o What information technologies were utilized?
o Were they successful/unsuccessful?
o Was the use of this technology innovative?
o In your opinion, was there anything deceptive about the government’s message? Why or why not?
o Do you support or oppose this use of information technology? Why or why not?


Sample Solution

Information technology is essential to the everyday operation of our federal, state, and local governments. The role of IT in all governments cannot be discounted, as many of the services they offer imply would not be available without it. One major factor that has affected diplomacy in this modern age is the revolution in information and communication technologies.  Digital diplomacy is usually conceptualized as a form of public diplomacy. It involves the use of digital technologies and social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Weibo by states to enter into communication with foreign publics usually in a non-costly manner.

a microtubule related protein significant for the security of axonal microtubules. Tau hyperphosphorylation hinders its limiting to microtubules, changing the dealing course for particles which may eventually prompt synaptic degeneration (13, 14). Diabetes actuates tau hyperphosphorylation in the mind, with respect to model in the hippocampus (15), and proteolytic tau cleavage (16), being the two cycles occuring in Alzheimer’s sickness (17). Hyperglycemia and insulin brokenness might prompt tau changes, and consequently may assume a part for the expanded rate of Alzheimer’s sickness in diabetic patients (16). Tau adjustment debilitates axonal vehicle through microtubule game plan disturbance and by impeding axonal dealing course, which can finish in synaptic capacity changes and ensuing neurodegeneration (18, 19). In Alzheimer’s illness, glycation of tau might settle matched helical fibers conglomeration prompting tangle development (20). All things considered, comparable cycles might be occuring under diabetes.


Neurofilaments (NF) are the transitional fibers (10 nm) found explicitly in neurons that collect from three subunits in view of sub-atomic weight: NF-L (70 kDa), NF-M (150 kDa), and NF-H (200 kDa) (21). Neurofilaments need by and large extremity upon gathering and for the most part give neuronal primary adjustment and control axonal development (22). Collection of neurofilaments is a typical marker of neurodegenerative infections (23). Strange NF articulation, handling, and design might add to diabetic neuropathy, since decreased blend of NF proteins or development of erroneously related NFs could seriously disturb the axonal cytoskeleton (24).

Neurofilament mRNAs are specifically diminished in diabetic rodents and modifications on p

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