Group Dynamics and Family Dynamics

When working with families and groups the priority is for the social worker to understand the process that is taking place. In both situations there is the overt (clearly stated) dynamics and the covert (hidden) dynamics. The content (what is being said) in both settings is what is open and stated. The process (how it is being said) is the unspoken information; what is underneath the interaction is what the social worker needs to explore in both groups and family systems.

For this Discussion, watch the video segments of a group and a family session provided in required resources. (Producer). (2011a). Group therapy: A live demonstration. [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA: Author.

Watch segment from timestamp 30:00 to 39:48. (2006a). The legacy of unresolved loss: A family systems approach [Video file].

By Day 3
Post the following:

Describe the group dynamic (communication, cohesion, social integration, influence) of the group shown in the required media.
Explain how this group’s dynamics may influence treatment.
A description of the family dynamic (communication, cohesion, social integration, influence) of the family shown in the required media.
Explain how this family’s dynamics may influence treatment.
Explain any similarities or differences when assessing dynamics in a group versus a family and how those dynamics may affect treatment.


Sample Solution

Here will come leadership role. Vision and leadership drive successful change. As the change agent first organization must create vision of the future which must be focusing on group energy. The vision should be very clear to employee or team. It should be comprehensive enough to direct attention at how to bridge the gap to the future.

Commitment from senior management at the earliest stages of the change process is required. Managing change effectively requires an understanding of the variables at play and adequate time must be allowed for implementation.

Understanding Organizations, Leadership and Management

To really understand organizational change and begin guiding successful change efforts, the change agent should have at least a broad understanding of the context of the change effort. This includes understanding the basic systems and structures in organizations, Including their typical terms and roles. Change must be realistic, achievable and measurable. For more successful change organization must apply simple principles to achieving goal. These aspects are especially relevant to managing personal change before starting organizational change.
Organizational change is undertaken to improve the performance of the organization or a part of the organization. It refers to any approach to transitioning individuals, teams and organization using this method intended to re direct the use of resources business process budget allocations. Also its operation that significantly reshape a company or organization. Organizational change considers the full organization and what needs to change. It is a tool for change focused solely on the individual. It focuses on how people affected by an organizational transition. It deals with many different disciplines from behavioral and social sciences to information technology and business solutions. Effective managing and leading required to understand the variables which linked to managing organizational change profitability as follows:

1. Motivation

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