Group Therapy Reflection

write a 5 to 7 pages describing the type of group or groups that you would like to offer and lead in the future. Keeping in mind that beginning a group is an excellent way to start your practice, allowing people to get to know you and recommend your services to family or friends, please consider what type of group you might actually consider starting. Please respond to the following questions… not just the “what” answer, but also the “why answers.”

What would be the focus of your group?

Would your group be open or closed, heterogeneous or homogeneous?

Would there be age limitations for your group?

How often would the group meet and for how many weeks or months?

How long would each group session last? (90 minutes, 2hrs., etc.)

Would you charge for group participation? If so, how much?

How would you advertise your group?

How would you select potential group participants?

What challenges would you anticipate?

What might be an appropriate setting (location) for your group?

How would you begin each group session?

How would you end a group session?

Would you require or suggest homework?

Question 2

Please write 4 to 6 pages addressing the following questions. If you decide to participate in a group:

What kind of group would you like to join?

Would it be open or closed, heterogeneous or homogeneous?

What would be the duration of the group?

Would the group meet for more than one hour?

What type of therapy focus do you think you would like?

What would be some of your goals?

What might be some challenges for you in the group?

What, about yourself, would you like to know or understand better?

What, about others, would you like to know or understand better?

What might you wish to change or improve about yourself?

Sample Solution

here are in excess of a million youngsters between 5–18 years of age in UK schools who communicate in around 360 dialects among them, and more than 60 of these dialects are educated in network language classes. (NALDIC, 2015)

This implies instructors consistently need to accommodate youngsters in their homerooms that don’t communicate in English as a first language. NALDIC claims this could be 1 of every 7 kids. On their site, NALDIC distributes discoveries made by creators and different associations with regards to the advancement and the accomplishment at school made by bilingual understudies. For instance, Kenner C., Gregory E., and Ruby M. found, in 2007, that third era British Bangladeshi kids who get familiar with their primary language in network language classes felt it was a significant piece of their personality and needed to have the option to utilize it in the homeroom. The creators of the exploration paper contended that realizing two dialects upgraded the kids’ learning. Another investigation, made at Goldsmiths University of London, found that Portuguese understudies who went to primary language classes were bound to acquire grades from A*-C. This implies being bilingual, moving in the direction of bilingualism, helps understudies with their different subjects. The investigations aren’t simply referencing grades the understudies get in dialects, however over all subjects. Bilingualism is a fundamental piece of any EAL understudy’s life and it is essential for them to create it. NALDIC pushes for bilingualism in the study hall, the affiliation accepts that it is helpful to kids’ turn of events and learning, and that they ought to have the option to build up their own language close by English. Bilingualism causes understudies open up to various social and social encounters, it expands their viewpoints and encourages them see things with another point of view. Different examinations have been done to demonstrate that communicating in two dialects additionally prompts better critical thinking, performing various tasks, dynamic and inventiveness. Bilingualism additionally enh

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